Horror Movie Trip

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Request: Fic where Control Freak sends the batfamily and reader into a horror movie

a/n: FYI I'm not following any movie plot. Why? Because either I haven't seen them or I have and I just don't remember the plot and because I'm too lazy to use google

If your future self, traveled to the past to tell you that you and your brothers would spend Halloween night fighting characters from classic horror movies, you wouldn't believe them. Even if they had video evidence. It just didn't seem possible. Well, it wasn't possible.

But then somebody helped Mister Control Freak freaking teleport you into a movie. A horror movie nonetheless. Now you were in dreamland running away from scary Edward Scissorhands.

Just as you were turning a corner, Jason showed up and scared you on accident. Causing you to scream and punch him.

"What the hell y/n?" He said covering his nose.

"Oh my god, I thought you were..."

"Yeah, yeah."

Jason uncovered his nose and grimaced in pain. "We should get going before he shows up."

"Before who shows up?" Freddy said from behind you. The two of screamed, but you threw a punch. He stumbled backward as you and Jason took off running. You two ran down the dark corridor and crashed into Duke.

The three of you quickly got up and sighed in relief.

"Duke are you okay?" you asked.

"Yeah, just tired. Have you guys seen the rest of the team?"

"No, we haven't," Jason answered looking around. The three of you fell silent as the sound of metal scratching got closer. The three of you took off running again but this time instead of crashing into another person you fell into a portal.

You groaned as you pushed Duke off you. And got up, shaking water off your arms. "Well, that was rude."

"Really y/n?" Jason said getting up. You rolled your eyes and looked at your surroundings.

You seemed to be in the sewers. But it looked... different. Like if you were in a cave system instead. You walked to a door and tried to open but failed.

"Guys, help me open this door," you said. Duke and Jason walked over to you and tried to help. But you stopped when you heard a voice.

"Step right up, y/n. Step right up. Come change. Come float. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll cheer. You'll die."

The three of you turned around as the voice faded out. You looked around looking for the source of the voice but didn't find it. Yet.

"Introducing Pennywise the Dancing Clown."

"Pennywise the Dancing clown?" Duke said.

"Looks like we're in IT," Jason said. You gulped hid behind Jason.

The wall in front of you fell and fireworks went off, the Pennywise appeared. Music started to play and he began to dance.

You, Duke and Jason slowly backed up as he danced. Jason tapped your shoulder and pointed to a potential exit. You showed Duke and the three of you ran. Unfortunately, it caught you.


You gasped as it began to choke you. A flashing light appeared behind Jason and Duke and out came Dick and Damian.

"Drop them you pathetic excuse of a clown!" Damian exclaimed as he unsheathed his sword. Pennywise turned around and snarled. It dropped you and disappeared. A second later the scene changed.

Dick ran to you and picked you up. "Are you okay?!?! Are you guys okay?!?"

"Yeah, we're fine," Duke answered.

"Wait... Where's Cass, Tim, and Steph?" Jason asked.

Dick turned to look at Damian before turning back and answering, "We thought they were with you!"

"If they aren't with you, and they're not with us... Then where are they?"


Back in the real world, Control Freak was sitting in a cell in the Batcave as Stephanie and Cass watched you and the boys fight in their favorite horror movies.

"Uh, are you not going to ask me how to get them out?" Control Freak asked.

"Nah, it's easier to work with them gone," Tim answered as he typed on his laptop.

"Yes," Cass said. Control Freak sighed and leaned on the cave wall.

"Can I at least get some popcorn?"

"No," the three vigilantes answered in unison.


"Shhhh! They're getting chased by Michael Myers now!" Stephanie exclaimed. Tim shut his computer and turned to the batcomputer.

"Oh, this is going to be good."

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