Not Scary Enough

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Requested: Fic where Batsis takes the batfamily to a haunted house and she is the only one not scared

a/n: I rewrote this eight times

"Are you sure this is a good idea, n/n?" Dick asked you. You were beaming with excitement and anticipation.

"Oh yeah! This is going to be great!"

Your siblings looked at each other then at the building in front of them. They weren't excited about going to a haunted house, well, Steph was. Steph was the only excited person, everyone else wanted to go on patrol early and Damian thought this trip was pointless.

You and Steph ran to the main entrance as your family slowly followed you guys. "Why are they so excited? Our life is full of horror," Duke said.

"Well, sure Scarecrow and Joker are scary but we've fought them for a long time so they're boring now," Jason said. "Besides, Cass and Damian haven't been in a haunted house before."

"Wait really?!?!" Duke exclaimed. Cass nodded and Damian just rolled his eyes.

"There's no use for haunted houses," Damian said.

"Well, they can help get over fear," Tim said.

"Hmmm, then let's go catch up to my sister."

Damian then ran ahead of the group. Dick sighed and encouraged the group to hurry up. Cass just walked up to him and handed him a lollipop before running after Damian.

"This is going to be a long night."


Loud screams could be heard from outside the entrance. You and Steph were jumping up and down like ten-year-olds when their moms said they could have a sleepover.

"Are you guys ready?!?!" you asked.

"Let's just get this over with," Tim said entering the building. You took Stephanie's and Cass's hand and ran inside with the rest of the group following.

The halls were dimly lit and horror music could be heard over the screams of people. None of you were scared. Until the first jumpscare.

Everyone screamed, loudly. Except for you, you just laughed it off. You walked past your siblings and continued through the hall. 

Through the entire thing, you just laughed or brushed off the scares as your siblings screamed for their lives. Once everyone was out, Damian was holding on to Jason, Stephanie and Cass were clinging to each other, Tim looked like he was going to drop dead, and Duke looked mentally scarred.

But you, you looked disappointed. And Dick was having none of that. 

"y/n. How are you not scared!" He exclaimed after seeing your calm demeanor.

You shrugged and brushed some spider webs off your arm. "It just wasn't that scary."

"h- how?!?!"

You rolled your eyes and shrugged again. "No clue kiddos, no clue."

Your secret? You paid Crane for some fear toxin. 

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