1. Accidents in the library (zeus x reader)

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I had finished my lessons in university for today.... but I could not say the same for the thunderstorm that only began striking down.

It was since early morning that it has been raining hard but just at lunch hour I could see lightings coming down the dark sky and hear loud thunders... well, it was just another autumnal day.

But I didn't care.. I had to prepare for my next seminar for Greek literature about myths of gods and goddesses.

In this way after having lunch in the students' restaurant I packed everything up and under that awful weather I headed my way to the municipal library.

If I had to found the right books to read and work on I could rest assured that if I went to the town library I could find everything I need; it was indeed really enormous and each sector was huge and had vast range of books. After all that library was the main one where everyone went to study, work and also spend their free time. And I loved going there for many reasons; not only because it was my special place where I could find any book I need but also because every time I got there it was like I was going to enter a Greek temple.. and it really was; its outer looking was like a Greek temple with the typical columns and the roof.

Once inside I immediately went to search for a free table to put my bag on and then went right away in the Greek mythology and literature area. I just had to pass some corridors but walking through them was always like walking in amaze... and then I got there. Lots of books were in front of my eyes and I began picking those I thought I needed... and in a matter of time I had in hands a big pile of books that blocked my view. I tried to be careful of my surroundings but not enough... because as soon as I turned myself to go back at the table I bumped into something or better someone and in a matter of time the books fell down on the floor making some noise.

"I am terrible sorry mister" I tried to apologize to him but he only chuckled back at me. He was focused on another thing.

"Oh... you must be really interested into Greek mythology" he smiled. Yes, he was concentrated and looking on the many books I had.

"Y-yeah... actually I am working on this matter" I answered back and I began to pile up the books again... until my hand reached his for a moment. I looked at him for a moment but it was enough to make me blush a bit.

But once I got up and adjusted my clothes I took my right time to look at the man who helped me and I could not hold back an exclamation of astonishment.

He really was a tall and good looking man!! By his looking I imagined at once he was around his 40s but he really didn't look his age, even better he was more charming than men of his age or teenagers like me. He had short brown hair and it was neat as he had it lacquered back; and he had green eyes and was also shaved.

I noticed he could not be a man with an ordinary job as he was wearing a white striped blue suit with a white shirt (that look liked expensive). As much I could know and guessed about him he could be anyone with an important job like a representative or chief of something or also a business man.

"Ehm... I think this is a book of yours". He snapped you back to reality as I were too caught up admiring him.

"Oh yes.. thank you" I smiled back at him thanking him with a hint of blush.

"I think I should help with all that pile of books or you could bump into someone else". And we both chuckled a bit.

I got back to the table chatting with him and for what we were talking about he really seemed a nice and polite man even thought everyone could say that by his looking he could be a serious man busy in his work. But to me he wasn't.

I accepted having him at my table enjoying our talk until he began looking again with more attention at the covers of the books.

"So... what do you need these books for?".

"Oh... I have to prepare my next seminar in university about Greek mythology and literature focusing on the myths." and from that moment on I explained him everything I was studying on and also for that next work of mine.

"Well... it's not an easy work, I see... and studying the Greek family tree of the deities is really a mess."

"Really? How can you know this?".

"It seems like we have an interest in common" he confessed with a smile... and that really made me totally curious and we began talking about mythology.

"... well my work is giving a general view into Greek deities but then choose my favourites ones and focus on them".

"And what gods are your favourites?".

"Mmm... I actually have a liking to everyone but if I have to choose I would choose first Hades then Zeus because they have my total curiosity".

And then curious as he was he asked me the reasons and I happily explained him.

"So you think that Hades is not a bad guy after all, just being a bit unlucky and in need of a love; and that Zeus has his reasons to be a strict King and you admire him for his personality and power".

"Yes, this is it" I nodded agreeing at what he just told him summarizing my thoughts.

"You really are an interesting woman... and I like this. Not only because of your interest and love of Greek mythology." and before leaving me he added with a faint smile "I am actually happy to have bumped into you and not other woman".

"Should I take this as a compliment?".

"Yes you should....It's not easy for anyone to make me take a liking to him or her". And standing up in front of me he gave me a little card.

"If you want to have a chat with me for any argument here is my card" and then he got away.

Once he went away I read that paper.

"So... Sean... it was a pleasure to meet you and talk with you" I thought by myself and a little smile began to show on my face. And then I started my reading and study.

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