❤️ Sick (Apollo x reader)

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request of @@selmich1804

You looked again at the thermometer.

It signed 38,5°C... again.

You rolled over to the other side of the bed grumbling. You hated being sick and staying all day at home in bed but in that case you couldn't do anything about it; you had fever and you couldn't go anywhere.

You coughed and as you kept on Apollo entered the bedroom.

"So... how is my lovely patient today?" he asked as he approached the bed with the breakfast tray.

"I'm feeling like I'm dying" you told with the cold.

"Ah yes? Want me to call my uncle Hades or Thanatos to pick you up?"he teased while sitting and you pouted.

"Don't make fun of me".

"I would never love" he apologized kissing you on the forehead and gave you breakfast that was a cup of hot milk with honey, biscuits and some fruits... and then the medicine.

"Gosh..." he exclaimed when he checked for your temperature.

"You really are on fire; no wonder you feel terrible".

He lay down on bed right next to you and hugging you close he let you rest your head on his chest.

"Are you not worried you can get sick?". You were concerned but he assured you with a smile and then another kiss.

"I shall postpone my duties of today. I will not go away from this house until you recover" he stated.

"But...". You didn't even time to finish the sentence that he shushed you with his index on his lips.

You stood in his embrace for a while; his hugs were always warm and sweet and you loved each one of them, so you closed your eyes and got lost in that hug and also his sweet scent.

Until when he sat on bed and looked at you.

"What about I use my healing power on you?".

You thought about it for a moment; it tempted you as you were tired of being sick for three whole days... but on the other hand you didn't dislike because being sick meant staying all day at home with Apollo spooning over you.

"Mmm... no... I'm okay with this" you smiled.

"I can stay and snuggle with you" you added as you hugged him from the back.

"I love this idea.".....

and then out of the blue he picked you up and stood to give you a piggyback ride around the house.

As you went around your excited giggles and laughters of you two filled all the place, until when you reached the living room.

There Apollo stopped to catch some breath and to let you rest on the sofa... but you stood up and and followed him to the kitchen to see what he was up to; and as you arrived in the kitchen you saw him with the teapot and biscuits.

You waited for 10 minutes for tea and then you both returned to the sofa.

You put on the blanket, took the cup of hot tea and then started a movie on TV.

"What are we going to watch?".

"Hercules!!!" you exclaimed too much. "Animation movie about Greek mythology."

"Hades is the best ever!!!" you fangirled and Apollo couldn't hold back and laughed looking at you happy like that.

– Time skip for movie –

The movie already finished for about ten minutes and you and Apollo were staring at the black screen of the TV thinking about what to do next...

until Apollo took your hand to accompany you in the bedroom.

You both lay down and Apollo took out a book.

He began reading out loud to you while you rested on his chest.

"...and they lived happily ever after for the rest of their days".

He closed the book as he finished and he noticed that you were already sleeping deeply; you might have fallen asleep for quite long time, he imagined.

So he quietly moved on the cushion to sleep better and put on your forehead a wet towel.

"Also we both will live happily ever after... until the end of our days, cross my heart" he whispered looking at you, his lovely princess, and then gave you the goodnight kiss.

He remained there at your side looking at you, he just couldn't take off his eyes from you... and also he couldn't resist seeing you in that condition of sickness.

So, at last, he put his hand on your forehead to heal you.

And little by little in your sleep you began feeling your chest less heavy and the hotness of fever leaving you.

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