Hades x reader || Save

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You arrived at the entrance of the cave.

You looked at the sky; the moon was up and full in the starry and clear sky.

"Bye Hades" you gave him a peck on his lips.

"Goodbye my love" he returned the gesture " Be careful on your way back home. Don't go astray ok?".

You nodded and kissed him again.

You then walked in the direction of the forest and just before entering you turned and saw Hades still there, at the entrance; you both waved and smiled at each other and after that you both took different paths.

In the night the wood was so peaceful;

no noise at all.

All you could hear was the breeze blowing that moved the trees and plants around. You so seized the opportunity to wander around to enjoy that calm atmosphere.

You were wandering aimlessly until when you saw a bush moving.

You froze on the spot wondering what it could hide and with the heart pounding fast you had your eyes fixed on the plant... until a little kitten popped out.

You let out a sigh of relief and looking at the little pet you melted down for the cuteness.

It was a little black cat with a pair of bat wings and what made it cute was his golden eyes.

It looked at you and meowed.

"Aaww so cute!" you thought as you crouched down to meet its eyes and then you extended your hand to get to help you... however as your hand got close to the puppy you heard another noise; your eyes immediately turned to see and you got shocked at what stand in front of you.

It was a big black cat with huge opened bat wings on its sides and with its big paws, golden sharp claws and golden eyes it wasn't that cute, not at all; that cat was rather scaring than cute. It was looking at you menacing and growled.

At that view you jumped on your feet in a second.

What to do now? You could only escape, you didn't even think twice to face it or you would end badly. In that way you decided to run away... but your escape didn't ended well because in a matter of seconds that creature began running after you.

You kept on running so much without knowing where you were going and the only moment you turned to see where the big feline was you tripped on a fallen tree and fell on the ground... and a moment later the creature was on you, like literally; with a beat of wings it took flight and landed on your body.

And as you had it growling at you just few centimetres away from your face with its jaws opened showing sharp teeth ready to eat you you closed your eyes in fear.



Your scream was so loud that it woke up every birds on the trees and for the high pitch it could be heard by everyone.

The big feline had its paw in the air ready to hit you but you never felt hitting you; you so opened your eyes... to see the animal blocked, its paw too, by something black.

You turned to see who was your saviour and it was Hades nonetheless.

It was coming from his that black thing, from his hands; he tightened the grip on the animal that moaned and then he released it... and once the creature was free it ran away while Hades came to check on you.

"Are you alright my love? Did it hurt you somewhere?" he asked as he checked while helping you standing up.

"N-no... just scared me" you reassured him with a smile and once you stood up you dashed into his arms.

"Thank you Hades".

"I told you to be careful my dear" he scolded you with a sweet voice. He just couldn't bare to scold you in that moment, he had you trembling and shocked in his arms and so restricted himself to hug you close.

"This time I'll accompany you to your home so you don't get scared again".

You nodded happily and then Hades gave you a kiss on the lips...

and after taking your hand in his he led the way in the forest.

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