1. Feeling at home... again (Poseidon x reader)

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Just another stressful day passed...

Lots of work, personal problems and my annoying and clingy boyfriend...

I just had enough.

It wasn't either the first time I was so spent... that stress kept on pestering me for already a week.

I needed some time to relax myself but where to find it? I really hadn't enough time even to take a bath.. but that day I had to do something or else my head would explode.

The gym was a total NO because I was way too tired to even raise an arm; plus it was already late evening.

Finishing work I took my bag and headed home.

On the way it began raining... yes, I remembered I heard on TV that morning it could be raining by evening and as usual I forgot my umbrella; luckily I arrived home just in time.

I made a light dinner and then decided what to do... then my eyes met the surfboard in the storage room. Hell yes! It could be an awesome idea since I hadn't touched it for a long time.

Some drops couldn't stop me doing what I loved to do in those kind of stressful moments; in this way, wearing a bikini and some Hawaiian shorts on, I walked until I reached the beach.

And there, once I took a deep breath and inhaled the smell of the ocean, I could feel myself finally at ease and began loosening up.

Water was my home; I was really happy and carefree only when I was swimming or surfing... and the feeling of being undersea or surfing on the waves really helped me calming down.

It was still raining, harder this time, but I really needed to take it easy. Waves began growing rough but as I was quite an expert at surfing I wasn't afraid.

I went on my board and went into deeper sea just to wait for the right wave to ride on... and while waiting I could hear a thunder.

"Oh crap! A thunderstorm is coming" I thought beginning to be scared.

I wasn't fond of that kind of weather and, moreover, being in the ocean in that moment was more dangerous... as the sea was always a danger, in a thunderstorm sure water could be more dangerous and unpredictable as ever.

Waves became rougher and rougher and lightnings began appearing along with thunders... and there I truly became afraid.

It became more difficult riding the waves as they grew huge and seeing a lightening coming down not far away I yelped and unintentionally I slipped from the surfboard and fell in the water.

I tried to grab onto the board but it was nowhere near to be found...it had disappeared and in that moment, among those awful waves, I was terrified and because of agitation I couldn't think straight and I didn't consider a good idea beginning to swim... in few words I was at the mercy of the ocean.

By instinct I began waving my arms and screaming for help but there was no one who could hear me from afar especially at that hour of the night.

Little by little I was exhausted by swallowing down too much water with the attempt to get some help and by moving so much in the sea I was panting and felt my eyes closing.

"Help...someone help me, please"  I thought by myself as I began feeling faint and falling down into the sea... but just before I fell unconscious I believed I had seen someone swimming in my direction.

At a certain point I felt something hitting hard on my chest and also a bit nauseous.

I woke up immediately and spat all the water I drank up... and then...

"Are you okay now?".

A man was knelt down on the sand and next to me.

He had such a god-like body, chiseled pecs and huge muscles.. and seemed to have really gorgeous brown eyes. Not to mention his hair! He had brown, short hair fading to the sides with some higher in the center.. and he totally looked amazing with that streaked hairstyle;and he also had a bit of stubble and moustache.

He waved his hand in front of my face and I snapped back.

"I...ehm... thank you for saving me" I told him blushing heavily. I tried then to stand up but as I tried to rise to my feet I felt dizzy, my vision went blurry and if he didn't make in time to catch me in his arms I would have fainted again.

"Maybe you should rest a bit.. you're too tense to move right now" he recommended me with a smile.

"I-I really should go home now".

"You shouldn't" he told me while grabbing my arm. "You're way too exhausted to go far distances.. my house is there; you could stay for this night by me".

After all, what was wrong with accepting such an offer by an handsome man? He helped me getting up and then we headed to his house, the only one that was on that beach.

"Woow! You really live on the sea... literally". That was what I said in awe when I entered his home and I received a chuckle from him.

"Here...get some tea to recover.".

I accepted and then as he was curious about what happened to me I told everything.

"yeah yeah... as if!" Ilaughed when he told me his name.

"It's no joke... I am really the Greek god Poseidon" he repeated with a serious look.

"Whaaat?". Iwas so astounded I feared my jaw could fall. I sipped a bit of tea and talked again. "Well..Then all of this explain everything".

He looked at me a bit confused so I clarified myself.

"I mean.. the fact you live on the sea, are surrounded by surfboards and also the fact you came to rescue me when I prayed for help".

We continued talking like that for good two hours and got to know each other... and while chatting and knowing him I felt my heart at ease, like I felt myself at home, and this made me think I was starting to like him... until I felt drowsy.

I felt my eyelids beginning to close and then my body being lifted up by his muscular arms.

"This is time to get you to bed, princess". He didn't realize he gave my already a nickname unintentionally but I didn't mind, better I quite liked it and I started to fall asleep with a smile on my face.

I was already beginning to feel at ease around him.

Maybe something between him and me could grow... and I felt my heart jump at the thought. 

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