2. A date with Hephaestus

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I finished having lunch at home and I was cleaning up when...


My eyes suddenly went on the dishwasher that accidentally broke and as a consequence it led also the sink tube break and in a moment I got soaked by the spray of water that came out from the sink.

Seriously, just what I needed in that moment! I had my plans for the afternoon and I was already late on the schedule.

I looked at the hour and I sighed because of my bad luck. What to do now? I tried to come up with something and then I remembered Christopher.

I picked up the phone and dialled his number.

"Hi Chris!" I greeted him when he answered.

"Thank God you picked up my call. I really hope you can save me".

"Woah woah calm down. What happened to you?" he asked.

"My dishwasher and the sink tube broke up and now I am here all wet. Are you able to fix them?".

"Yeah sure. I will come in a moment"... and then he closed the phone.

And indeed after 10 minutes my doorbell rang and I let him in with the tools. Looking at me all wet he giggled while I was really embarrassed.

He began working on fixing up the things while I couldn't hold back but wander around the house anxious and sighing.

"Y/n, please, stop going around like this... I can't concentrate on the work. Why are you nervous?".

"S-Sorry Chris.. I'm not doing on purpose but this accident came up suddenly and messed up my plans" I apologized"...and I just missed my floral design course of today".

"Don't worry" he smiled. "You said floral design?".

"Yes.. I take different courses of handmade arts; floral and jewellery design and metal smithing" I smiled.

"Wow! You never cease to surprise me. Can I join you in your courses?".

"Sure. Why not?" I smiled and then together you went to the other two courses.

- time passes by doing jewellery design and metal smithing -

After the courses when Christopher and I went outdoors the warm sun was still up in the sky and even if evening would come in few hours we decided to take advantage of the moment.

In this way we took a stroll around the city without any particular direction and as we walked together we chatted.

In no time Christopher and I became such good friends but as time passed by getting to know each other I began to feel strange... strange but in a good way; as I got attached to him every time I was with Chris I felt my heart warming up.. it seemed like I felt the flame of love overwhelming me every time I was with or thought about him.

I remained in these thoughts of mine for a moment and without realizing I felt his hand taking mine and that woke me up back to reality.

"Everything ok? You were absent for a moment" Christopher looked concerned and I smiled at him as a response to his concern.

We were keeping on walking around the city when we stopped by in the proximity of a park. We got curious as we saw a great mass of people meeting up in one place and unanimously we decided to take a look.

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