3. Training camp (Ares x reader)

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I felt like I was in the middle of a war.

Clangs of swords kept on follow one another being accompanied by shouts and battle incitements...

And that uproar didn't want to stop. That noise was too near that it seemed my ears would explode at any time; and I felt like having headache.

"What the hell??" I shouted angrily while waking up covering my ears. "What's this damn ruckus? I'm trying to sleep for heaven sake!" I grumbled as my eyes began to open.... to let me witness a quite odd view.

"Whaaaat?".I was utterly confused as I saw around and found myself in a tent; a tent? Why on earth should I be in a tent? Where did Ares' bedroom go? Where was him?

I was about to stand up but as I took away the cover I remembered I was still naked from the night before.

"Is there something to cover me up with or should I go around naked?" I asked myself as I tried to have a look of my surroundings and then my eyes fell on the end of the bed to see a strange dress.

I picked it up and I remained puzzled as I saw it.

At first sight it seemed a golden decorated brown armour with a strange skirt; it was a short pleated leather skirt that didn't even reach the knees and was held up by a nice golden belt... that had two golden stripes that arrived just under the breast; and it that armour didn't have shoulder straps. And along that fancy strange dress there was a pair of golden knee length gladiators sandals.

"Should I be supposed to wear this thing??". And then my eyes went again on my body that was covered only with the bed cover. "Well...it's better than going around naked with this".

And so I decided to wear it only to have another type of clothes on different then the cover. I wandered in the tent a bit and the only things that were inside were shields, swords, spears and other types of weapons.

Still confused I went outside and I couldn't believe what I had in front of my eyes.

Soldiers wearing armours like people from ancient times were running around, shouting at each other and training.

"Where the hell am I? Am I on a set of a movie?". I was totally puzzled as I was in a different place I used to be. I tried to remember but nothing came to my mind...

until I heard someone chuckling behind my back startling me. I jumped out and turned around to see who it was.

They were two tall slender men and both had really long hair: one with a braid and the other one with a ponytail.

The one with the long dark brown braid was surely the younger one as I analysed his body. He had pink complexion and he was looking at me with a grin and an amused look. His long straight dark brown hair were tied up backwards in a braid that fell down on his left shoulder to reach his belly.

He had brown almond eyes that looked me up and down and had thick curved down long black eyebrows. And looking at his face I found him quite good-looking as he had prominent cheekbones, medium ears, regular nose and a long but thin mouth; he hadn't facial hairs and his fleshy pink lips seemed soft (and I admit that I would want to touch them if they were really soft but I thought it wasn't proper). Moreover, even if he was slim he had quite nice pectorals that showed up a bit and had strong muscled arm. And he was wearing a knee length black pleated leather skirt with short sandals and a necklace.

On the other side the other man seemed older than the other as he had a goatee and a bit of beard.

Like his friend he was tall and thin and had pink complexion and long straight dark brown hair tied up in a ponytail; he also had an oval face with dark brown almond eyes and thick straight black eyebrows... but his cheekbones weren't high at all. And he had a big long nose that was in contrast with his small eyes and small mouth with pink smooth and soft lips. And he was slim like his friend but had strong arms and nice pectorals. And he also was wearing a long pleated skirt remaining with bare chest and a strange yet exotic necklace made of pearls. Oh if he was gorgeous!!! He had such a bewitching glance that he looked like a man from the exotic lands of the ancient times.

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