🎀 Imagine having a nightmare and Morpheus comforting you

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It was all dark.

It wasn't a room, there weren't walls around nor pavement.

It seemed as if you were suspended mid-air.

There wasn't either any noise and you were scared.

You looked around but there wasn't nothing nor no one... Then all of a sudden appeared.

It was Hermes.

"You! You deserve to die!". He looked menacing at you, his eyes looking fierce full of hatred.

And then one by one also the others appeared;

all of them enraged.

They pointed at you and all together started insulting and threatening you.

However you didn't know why; you wanted to speak but you were too scared.

Then Zeus stood up in front of you in all his majestic divine form.

He stood still and silent. With furrowed eyebrows the almighty god had his eyes fixed on you and his gaze was like a thousand lances ready to hit.

He really was intimidating.

You felt so defenceless in front of him.

Then Zeus grabbed tightly a thunderbolt in his firm hand and then raised it as to throw it at you;

and he did....

But Morpheus stood between him and you.

It was only a matter of seconds.

As he sprung up on you a blinding light filled all the room...

And when it disappeared Morpheus wasn't there any more.

Your eyes fell by instinct on the ground, by your feet.

He was there.

Morpheus was lying there, on the ground, but he gave no signs of moving.

His lifeless body, cold blind eyes open...

Your love was dead.

You jumped on the bed panting and with the heart pounding.

"Y/n... love is everything ok?".

Morpheus mumbled as he was woken up by your sudden movement and as he opened his eyes he saw you panting and with trembling hands and arms.

He got up, sat next to you and began massaging your arms to make you relax.

"I... I had a nightmare Morpheus" you told him as you looked in his eyes.

"Care to tell me love?".

At that you described your bad dream.

"My love you don't have to be concerned nor scared.. it was just a bad dream, nothing else" he assured you giving a warm smile.


He nodded. "No one will dare to touch you until you stay with me or they will see what I'm made of.".

He then hugged you close in his chest and lay down again in bed.

"But I don't want you to die for me" you told him.

He raised your chin with his index to make you look into his eyes.

"There's no need for this y/n. No gods would ever kill me.".

He then gave you a kiss on the lips.

"Let's sleep a little more".

"I love you sweetie" you giggled as you made comfortable with your head on his warm chest and as you closed your eyes.

"I love you too" Morpheus replied and then together you drifted into sleep in each other's arms.

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