🎀 Imagine being sick and Hades, Poseidon and Zeus treating you

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"Bloody hell... what on Earth happened to me?".

You woke up with a strong headache feeling all hot and realized you were in bed with Hades, Poseidon and Zeus next to you.

"You suddenly fainted and we were all concerned"  Poseidon took the floor.

You tried to stand up but everyone stopped you.

"Just lie down back. You are not fully recovered".

"I have fever, is that so?"  you asked and Hades nodded.

"No no no"  you lamented and everyone chuckled looking at you.

"There's nothing to laugh about"  you grunted.

"It's only a fever, y/n. It will pass"  Poseidon tried to comfort you but only a second after he felt you shooting daggers at him so he stopped talking.

"Fuck you and fuck you being an immortal god". And then you covered yourself with the bed cover. "You don't understand anything. I'm the only one mortal here... I hate you".

You felt the bed cover going away and you started crying like nothing.

"I swear I didn't tell you those things to you on purpose"  Poseidon told out loud bringing the arms up and both Hades and Zeus looked at him making him understand that it was better if he left the room. In that way he went out looking a bit sad because he really wanted to lift your mood.

Zeus sat next to you and embraced you while you were crying and adjusted some hair.

"Why are you crying?"  he asked.

"I am the only one here being sick a-and you make fun of me"  you sobbed but Hades stopped you.

"No one here wants to make fun of you. We are in no place to do that"  he comforted you and then Zeus took a towel, wetted it and put it on your forehead to cool down your temperature.

"It sucks being sick"  you grumbled.

"It will pass; you won't be sick all your life"  Zeus assured you being able to steal a faint smile from you.

"It's like I am on fire and my head is about to explode; it's like I'm dying".

"Rest assured that your time has yet to come"  Hades smiled at you but you gave him a serious look.

"Oh thank you Hades to comfort me in this way.. really helpful"  you sarcastically told to the Underworld lord and Zeus could only chuckle at that scene and he silently walked away realising that you were in good hands. But before heading out the king of the gods gave you a kiss on your forehead.

"Hum"  Hades called you back. "Where were we?" he asked you giving you a smile and being alone with him you started to blush as you had a crush on the king of the Underworld.

"I told you I was about to die but you contradicted me".

He laughed a bit and that made you smile brightly and then both of you remained silent while Hades kept on staying with you and treating you with all his best.

"H-Hades"  you called him out a bit shy after mustering up some courage.

"Yes? Need something dear?".

You blushed and covering for embarrassment for what you were going to say you mumbled something.

"H-Hug me please".

At first he didn't know how to react but noticing it wasn't time to talk he embraced in a sweet hug.

"Feeling any better now?"  he asked you with a suave voice making you smile.

"Only a bit". However the hug was lasting so much that you began not feeling at ease. "I-If you want you can release me now Hades".

"Don't worry for me I am an immortal god and you know that I don't get sick" he reassured you and so you stood in his arms without complaining until you felt your eyes closing.

"I... sleep..."  you whispered as you felt drowsy.

At that Hades released you from the hug and helped you laying down on the bed.

"Sleep well my dear one and if you need something just call my name" he lulled you to sleep and when he was sure you were sleeping you felt him giving you a kiss on the forehead.

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