2. Outdoors (Hermes x reader)

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– Hermes' P.O.V. –

I was taking my time to control again some documents in the next hall when Harry called me out. I wondered what he needed. I placed the papers on the desk to go to him... and when I crossed the threshold I saw a woman next to him, really beautiful I admitted.

I went in their directions and as I got nearer I noticed her turning redder and looking at me with shy eyes.

"Cute" I told in my mind.

Kindly I presented myself to her and as he returned the gesture I smiled; besides being beautiful she was really nice. Who knows what could I do with her, I wondered, among all the beauties I met in all my life.

When harry left us alone we both remained quiet until when I noticed that silence between us was getting awkward. So I made the first move when she was looking the statues around...

and as I turned when she pointed at Amor & Psyche I felt a shiver going down my spine by looking at the statue.

"What does this mean?" I asked myself as I felt strange for a moment.

"I felt strange for a moment".

– Back to 1st person narrative –

From that meeting in the museum I had such a nice impression of Lee that I decided to see him more, not only for work and not only in the museum. We began exchanging numbers to be able to see each other for a coffee or to see a movie together; just to do something together that in no time turned to be friendship; and what a friendship! At the beginning I thought we would remain normal friends but in us the adjective "normal" didn't exist. As time passed we grew fonder of each other. How could I put into words... Lee was fantastic, for me he was like a brother as he was protective over me and also a friend; but this vision of him that I had in no time changed when I recognized developing a crush on him.

I was always happy of my life, of what I did and had but never like in that moment; it was as if Lee was that person who had to get in my life to complete it; and indeed it was. He indeed made me feel so happy and I couldn't ask for anything more.

My heart was full of love, something new for me and I decided I wouldn't miss any chance to tell him because I didn't want to let go such a wonderful guy like him.

I kept on with my life as usual everyday. That morning, as usual, I went to work with a bright smile on my face; beginning work at 8 my 4 work hours literally flew until lunch time came. Looking at the clock I began preparing my bag to go out for lunch and as I wondered where to go my phone rang.

A SMS arrived and it was Lee who just texted he came to pick me up; I thought it was just a joke but indeed he came.

I turned my eyes towards the windows and there he was, out in the parking lot, waving at me. I blushed heavily not only because of him but also because of my colleagues who were whispering to each other laughing... obviously they were talking about me.

I couldn't resist at all that embarrassment so after grabbing my bag I rushed out.

"Lee? What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I came to pick you up from work to do something together" he smiled.

"Yeah I see" I mumbled still blushing. "At least you could have texted me in advance".

He looked so innocent in my eyes I could only sigh; obviously he didn't do that intentionally so I smiled at him.. and then my eyes went to his hands where he was holding a basket.

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