❤️ Fluffy time (Hephaestus x reader)

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(Hi everyone!! Exams are finished and I can return writing now)

request of LillyLovesManga

Finally you were at the beach.

After spending almost all day inside the forge, some clean air was needed; so once your lover finished forging the last weapon for one of his many brothers you took control of the situation.

It was almost mid-afternoon when you and your man finally saw in front of your eyes the immense extension of water that surrounded the island; you closed the eyes and took a deep breath inhaling the fresh air and perfume coming from the ocean until when...

"Why are we here, darling?" Hephaestus asked curiously.

"To relax with you, love, after spending all day indoors" you smiled at him. "Being at the beach relaxes a lot".

Then you took his hand in yours and lead the way to the water's edge.

You walked long the water's edge hands in hands and let the water wet your feet; it was both a delightful feeling.

You were both silent and not too much time later you sighed. It wasn't a sigh of tiredness but one of relief; well, you could finally stay alone with your love without any hindrance. While sighing you leaned over Hephaestus' shoulder and then clang onto his arm, and he chuckled looking at you acting like this.

You walked a lot around the shore, you even reached the other side of the island that you didn't get to see many times, and as you walked you enjoyed the quiet and the only noise you could hear was the crashing of the waves against the shores and rocks and the seagulls' cries. It was really amazing, that moment of the day, just right before the sunset, was the best moment of the day because silence reigned over the island.

You kept walking with your eyes oriented on the ground wandering here and there until they met shells.

"WOOW!". You exclaimed as you crouched down to look at them.

"They are so beautiful!" you were excited as you took them in your hands to show him.

Hephaestus nodded with a smile.

"Yes indeed they are" and then he picked them up. "I can make you a necklace with them if you'd like".

Your eyes shone, a bright smile formed on your face and you nodded with force like a happy child.

"I will make one for you too".

In this way you both went to search for other shells around and after collecting quite a lot of shells you wrapped them in some leaves.

And right when you finished you didn't know what to do.

So, after the long walk, you went to sit under a palm and you stood there in quiet.

Shortly the sun would set but neither of you wanted to return home, none wanted to miss the near amazing view of the sunset.

In this way you remained there and waited and just when the sun began to set you stood up and went a bit further in the water, followed by Hephaestus, to see it better.

He intertwined his hand with yours as you were looking at the sun.

"It's always so breathtaking" you pointed out with eyes towards the horizon and smiled brightly.

"Not as much as another view I'm looking at" Hephaestus told.

You got curious at what he just told so you turned at him... who was looking at you.

He caressed your cheek lovingly. "You're the most wonderful view here, you are the most amazing thing I could have and see everyday. The sunset can change but you and your beauty will never".

You were moved by those words and because of them your heart beat faster and some tears fell on your cheeks.

Your man wiped them away for you. "I love you with all my heart".

"So do I, Hephaestus. I love you like crazy".

And then, with the sunset as background, you shared a kiss on the lips.

Greek gods x readerWhere stories live. Discover now