1. Feeling unconsciously at ease around a stranger (Hephaestus x reader)

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I looked at the houron the watch over the office desk: it was nearly 9 o' clock. The children would show up at 9.30 for the laboratory hour so I decided to prepare all the materials beforehand. I began pulling out gowns and gloves for the children and also sacks of soils... and then they arrived.

"Thank you for having gladly accepted our request, miss y/n"  the teacher spoke to me as we greeted each other.

"The pleasure is all mine"  I smiled at her and then at her students.

"Please follow me"  I invited every of them and then looking at the children... "Are you all excited to learn?".

"YEEES! "they shouted out loud looking really hyped and I couldn't hold back a giggle at them;I was really pleased to have such an excited young public eager to learn about the handmade arts and for that I felt honoured that the school contacted such a young woman as I am; I didn't expect but I was grateful. And I also accepted their work to take advantage of the opportunity to see how it is to teach someone a passion of yours.

First of all I showed around my creations and they were really amazed by my talent; they complimented me and asked how I ended up with this work and I gladly told them about my life up until that very moment. They were eager to know but time was running and they couldn't spend all the morning in my shop so I started to show them how my work should be done... and they listened carefully and steps by steps they followed my instructions as I began as first modelling the materials. After I finished my vase I started helping them by mixing the soil with the water and then I let them do the rest. After all they were here to learn and make their own pots; nonetheless I helped them through the stages until every child arrived at the moment of forming balls; and it was in that moment when I heard a little girl calling for me. At first I thought she need help but she instead pointed out to the window shop.

"Miss, there is a man looking inside the shop"  she told.

"He is handsome. Is he your boyfriend?"  another little girl asked me and at her question I blushed madly for embarrassment.

"I'm sorry...can you wait for a moment?"  I apologized to the teacher to see what that man was doing.

I cleaned my hands and then I went out...

And as I found myself myself in front of him I felt my cheeks becoming even redder than before for how handsome he was.

He was tall and looked very muscular. He had a rectangular face with some cheekbones and chubby cheeks but with such defined jaw lines that if I touched them I could cut my finger. He had a bit of stubble and his eyes were so magnetic as they were a mix of green, blue and grey; and his lightbrown short straight hair was slicked back and that hairstyle suited him very well, if not perfect. He was wearing a jeans jacket with a white under-shirt and light brown jeans and on the jacket he had a blue and opened coat with a long striped scarf around his neck.

I got lost looking at him but then I tried to compose myself.

"E-Excuse me mister"  I called him stuttering like a teenager in front of her crush.

"Are you in need of something?" I asked him.

"Oh no... I was just admiring your work". He gave a genuine smile and I felt like melting down because of it.

I began playing with my hair and I couldn't stop smiling wildly like an idiot.

We both stood silent for few seconds.

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