2. A date with Zeus

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It was the seminar's day and so in that way I woke up earlier than usual that morning; I didn't want to arrive late at my first conference and give first bad impressions at the professor.

Yeah... at the workshop there would be not only university students but also my teacher who would have tested my ability.

And for the occasion I dressed in a formal way and after finished organising my bag I headed out to the university taking my time...and then went to the main room to turn on the PC and big screen and already prepared my presentation.

And only moments later my professor showed up to wish me good work and then the entire room was filled by my Greek literature companions and other students.

Everyone, especially me, was really taken by my seminar that the two hours, I spent talking about Greek myths, went by in a rush. When I finished exposing every student complimented me and also asked about other things related to my work and by doing that I took another good thirty minutes just doing Q&A with them... but I was really happy everyone was interested about the topic formulating questions.

In this way I spent all my morning talking with them and when I finally was able to go out the room it was already lunchtime and I felt so tired. Lucky I didn't have lessons in the afternoon so I could take my time relaxing a thome after a hard work.

When I went outside the university the weather was still uncertain as the sky was covered by grey clouds and I hoped it wouldn't rain because I didn't have an umbrella with me.

I took a walk around the park, still carrying in my hands the library books, until I sat down a bench looking at a statue surrounded by flowers' bushes.

I took a deep breath andlooking again at the books' covers my thoughts went back to that meeting-accident in the library with Sean and I chuckled as I relived that moment.

"What could Sean be up to in this moment?" I asked my self thinking about him... and then turning some pages of my diary I came up with his card.... and as I read on that paper his phone number I recalled what he told me at our meeting.

"You can call me if you want...also for a simple chat". And I was tempted by that, by giving him a call or sending a SMS, but I was held back by some thoughts of mine.

"For god's sake(name) what on earth do you want to do? He is a man older than you...for how much he's old he could be your father!!!" I was scolding myself in my mind trying to put common sense in me back again. "...I don't know why but I like him.. his mysterious aura is so captivating and also him.. It feels like he gives me a feeling of protection and of care".

And as I finished my thought I was brought back to reality to the sound of my stomach rumbling demanding for food.

In that way I went away from the park to head somewhere.

I walked down some streets and absorbed in my thought and listening to music I didn't realize that by stopping by a zebra crossing I bumped against someone's back.

"I am sor-"  I got interrupted by that person who turned to look at me... and when I recognised him I blushed.

"S-Sean?" I stuttered his name almost shouting it out loud.

He laughed heartedly. "We really should stop meeting by bumping into each other" he suggested while chuckling.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I am heading somewhere to take a drink as I have some free hours before working"he answered back.

"And you?" he continued as he saw me with books in my arms.

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