2. Under the moonlight (Thanatos x reader)

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(P.S: Hi everyone! This weekend, starting from this afternoon, i will be out home because of formation course in the mountains for my summer job. So here I am posting the new part before leaving. Stay well and have good weekend too! Enjoy the story now 😊😊 I will return writing on Monday)

When I returned home after that odd and unexpected meeting in the graveyard I closed myself in my bedroom and once I lay down on the bed I began playing with the pendant while I observed it even better.

"So intriguing" I told out loud. "What could it be?".

Always... I never stopped asking myself and wearing it every day I felt like it helped me feeling better.

And as time passed something in my mind began creating; my accident, my desire of returning to visit s/n, that mysterious guy and that necklace... inside I feared that everything was somehow connected. I wasn't sure how but I felt it was like that and while trying to think of something I kept on with my life; I started my normal life again while visiting my sibling and getting still visited but when doctors and psychologist told me I was recovering oddly quickly and very fine they dismissed me from rehab. Wow what a luck! I never liked hospitals and I would never like them moreover after such an accident.

And so stopping going in and out from hospital I could have more time for myself and that let me have more chances to go to cemetery; and indeed it worked.

Almost all days I went to the graveyard, at evening, sometimes to visit s/n other times just to stay alone and feel quiet; and I always met up with Tariq. It was difficult to ignore him at first after the meeting we had, he was too intriguing to be left alone that I had courage to start conversation.

And as time passed we started to grow fond of each other. Even though he was a mystery he was a serious guy with his head in place and also very nice, a trait that surprised me a bit since I wouldn't expect from him... But he was and time by time Tariq and me became friends; we liked each other's company wherever we were and somehow we felt connected as we shared in common the love for the night and the fact of being a night owl, something I began developing since after the accident. And with this we started to spend really so much time together that every evening I went to cemetery both for him and for my dear sibling; but sometimes he also showed up his face at night in the garden behind my house right under the window of my bedroom. Whether it was in cemetery or in my garden Tariq would always show and stay with me that in no time he became like someone I couldn't do without for even a day. I was scared to begin falling in love with him; after all what did I know about him? I knew only his name but not anything else of his life, he could be anyone. My mind so told me to listen to it but my heart told me everything else and it was difficult, if not impossible, not to surrender to my feelings. My heart was telling me that his life couldn't matter if not what he made me feel inside. He really understood me, was very nice and protective and loving in his own way and that made feel very happy or even better he gave another meaning to my life; it was really hard to explain in words how I felt with him and around him but in time I recognized I had a crush for him and it wasn't little. Thank to him I became a different person, I started to live again being cheerful and enjoying everything.

I never expected I could feel such at ease and delighted; I never was a lively person not even before the accident but there I was and it was all thanks to Tariq.

And as my life started anew, among all many other things, I went back also to school.

I was able to make up for lost time by taking also extra lessons and in a month I caught up with everyone and thanks to that I was able to reunite with my classmates. I couldn't complain about my situation and actually I never did; I was really glad I joined again my old friends and teachers and school "strangely" got fun and easier... and it got even funnier when a trip in the mountain was organized; with the teachers and other classmates I would have camped into the mountains more precisely by a lake.

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