3. A secret paradise (Eros x reader)

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(with this my three part stories finish and this means i will begin again with your request :) )

I stopped and sat on a bench to catch some breath.

I was walking for hours in the mountains and that path I was following was more complicated than I imagined. Once I sat down I took out the phone to look at the hour and to check if I received something; but there was nothing, neither a sign of Andrés.

It was from few days I didn't have news from him and I was worried a lot.

"If something serious happened to him he would have called me" I tried to comfort myself.

Then I relaxed and in silence I admired the nature surrounding me until when I took a glimpse of a fawn appearing from between two pines. Both of us remained observing each other until when the little animal decided to get near and as I had it in front of me I looked at it in awe; aaww it was so cute! I couldn't resist at those eyes and in that way I approached carefully my hand to its back and the little one didn't feel scared at all, better it let me pet it for a moment... until when, with its muzzle, turned quickly making me jump. He should have catch some kind of noise, I thought, and at that point it went away and in order not to lose the fawn I took my things and decided to follow it.

I went in the forest and ran after the animal not to lose it and as I went further in I paid no attention where I was going; around me there were only pines and I stopped only when I didn't see any more trees around me.

Where did I end up I didn't know; in front of my eyes a great meadow expanded before some mountains in the background and where there were many red flowers, most of them growing along the shores of a great and clear lake.

Seeing such a landscape made me feel strangely good, I felt peaceful; I wasn't neither confused nor scared, I was only at ease and curious.

So I got near the lake and finally I recognised those little red flowers; they were rhododendron, as I assumed earlier... and then I saw also some horses drinking. They were really awesome and their white manes were moving with the wind.

I then raised my eyes towards a hill above the lake and on the top there was a little Greek temple; from where I was standing I could hear some laughters and voices coming from there.

Who could be there? I got really curious and a moment after I saw feminine figures in white dresses running and walking around that temple. I got a bit confused and following my curiosity I decided to get near them to ask for informations.

I went around the lake and on the hill and as I was in the proximity of the temple I caught sight of someone coming out between the columns; that someone was a masculine figure and so suddenly as he appeared out in the meadow all the girls went to him to surround him.

That boy was shirtless, he wore only a long white skirt with white knee-length gladiators sandals; but what shocked me was seeing two wings on his back and some kind of weapon in his hand that seemed to be a bow and arrows.

I tried to get near as much as possible without getting noticed to study him better... and as I few meters from him I remained surprised; he was the perfect copy of Andrés! I remained quiet to listen to what they were talking until when I heard his voice. There I could only certify he was him. Who else could have those angelic eyes, smile and voice if not him?

At that moment I decided to make me notice and as I got out I saw him all smiling with two girls courting him all giggling as if they were in love with him and at that view I felt blood boiling in my veins and tears forming for anger and disgust.

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