2. A romantic date (Eros x reader)

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When I returned home I started studying that piece of paper and for the rest of the day and also began to think about what to do.

What the hell got me that afternoon I didn't know but the fact was that at the end I ended up with a phone number of a boy; a boy I say! It never happened in all my life, well, until that very moment.

My look wandered from my bedroom's ceiling and that paper and while I thought incessant images of Andres and his smile repeated in my mind; until when I decided...

"I can't do it any more" I sighed.

"I really don't know what got into me– I told myself – I did what my friends wanted just to make them happy but why now I can't stop thinking about him?".

Indeed it was strange; I had only to please my friends and if I were myself I would have thrown that piece of paper right when I entered home...but I didn't do; yes, I wasn't myself, my mind wasn't right and I began to be concerned.

"Now I write to him and everything will end".

so I took my phone, wrote a SMS and sent it to him.. and while I was waiting for his response o started fidgeting until a beep of my phone startled me.

"Hey pretty lady there you are ☺". Andres wrote back and I giggled.

In this way starting from that evening we began to chat.

Time passed and so our time spent with lots of chats. We began to know each other and somehow to feel connected but somehow we felt like something was missing; messages weren't enough, some times we wanted to see and talk in each other eyes, so we took the big step of starting to see each other.

Going out with him was really nice and every time we did something together I was unexpectedly happy.

what I began to feel was strange and new to me, even Andres; it was like he was turning me into a new person making me feel euphoric. Hi, his smile and his eyes were something indescribable! Oh him and his lovely character! He was gentle and sweet, not to talk about that almost every "date" he surprised me with something, little gifts or compliments. He knew what to do with girls I supposed and indeed I was right; he knew how to make my heart bump faster. It was like he put some enchantment on me and I couldn't resist him.

Little by little I started feeling like I couldn't do without Andres, as if I needed him always by my side; my heart longed for his presence next to me... in other words that friendship of ours began to turn into something serious, at least that was for me. Something strange was happening in me, I realized; every time I was with Andres I couldn't look away from him, I never stopped turning red and feeling my heart thumping... not to talk about I always longed to cup his face and trace his jawline with my fingers as I kissed him.

Yes, I didn't know why, but that damned desire to kiss him never wanted to leave me in peace.

And because of those new and powerful feelings I was a mess, I couldn't understand anything and so I decided to talk about it with my friends; and what did they do? They laughed but not to make fun of me, better.

"You're in love y/n"they admitted for me. I remained quite shocked from what they told me. Me? Me in love? How could I? However also that time I feared that they were telling the truth; only a girl in love would feel like that and I was indeed; I was in love, for the first time in all my life I was in love with someone and that someone was Andres.

Fora while I was able to stand that crush until when I felt it became a very hard weight for my heart. What could I do if I weren't used to that strong feeling called love?

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