2. A date with Hades

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Usually after a funeral, especially of your previous lover, you go into depression and withdraw the world wanting to cry yourself out... but I was not. I even remained unmoved during the burying of my ex and I did not shed a single tear; and actually I did never cry even after his death. On the contrary I began feeling more happy... thanks to Hades who stood by my side after (ex/boyfriend)'s funeral.

He could have been a mysterious man but I didn't care much; I didn't know almost anything about his life, if not his name and work, but what I cared most was that he was really nice to me and within few months he and me began to create a friendship; as a matter of fact it only took few months to pass from strangers to friends.

And there I was, one day, shut up at home making some order in my apartment taking advantage of the bad weather.

So I put the music on my stereo and then I began my cleaning until when I heard the door bell ringing.

Who could that be? I went to open and in front of my eyes I saw Hades.

"Oh hey". I smiled at him while adjusting my clothes.

"Did I interrupt you with something?"

"Hum... Actually no. I was getting bored and lucky you got here. Please come in" and while making him coming into my house I tried to put away some things in the way.

"Cleaning were we?" he chuckled.

"Y-yes. Ehm... please don't mind the mess. I will put away things and stop the music.". And in few minutes the house returned as it was in its previous state.

"It's just an unexpected thing having you here. Why are you here?" I asked with some curiosity.

"Well. I closed the pub for doing some arrangements and as I didn't know what to do  I remembered you giving me your address" he answered back while sitting on the sofa; and I took some drinks for the both of us... and we began to chat and while talking I couldn't resist, as always, to look into his piercing cold blue eyes and his lips; and without any purpose I blushed in front of him making him chuckle at my view.

"Ah yes! I remembered my reason to be here".

"And what is it then?" .

"I wanted to ask if for tomorrow you have some planning for the evening.".

"No.. just chilling here at home watching some TV. Why?".

"Because I would like to invite you to see a theatre performance and then go out for dinner". And at this offer of his I accepted all smiling and then as he was standing up to go away I took him by the arm without even realising it.

"What's the matter?".He turned to me to make eye contact with me.

I stopped for a while without talking just looking deeper into his wonderful eyes again and his nice smile.

He gave me an inquisitive look and that brought me back to reality.

"Please stay a bit longer" I asked him with a weak voice lowering my eyes to the ground. It was my first time to beg him to stay with me more; it really was one of the other many signs that showed I was beginning to be really fond with him.

"It's okay. You don't have to beg me" he reassured me with his nicest tune of voice.

"S-sorry.. but if you like to go a-".... and I couldn't finish my sentence when..

"UMPF".He gave me a peck on my lips. Yes! Finally I was having what I dreamed and desired so much in those months even though that kiss was really quick. Anyway I got to have him kissing me.

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