2. A date with Dionysus

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After that party the only thing that I had left of Dave was his phone number written on a paper and I spent almost all evening looking at his note; just looking nothing else until when my eyes met up with my mobile phone that was next to me on the sofa.

I picked it up.

"What is he doing right now?" I asked and then sighed. "God... what's happening to me today?".

"You just miss him and his voice". I heard my conscience talking to me and by listening to it I dialled his number.

"What am I going to say as an excuse? I can't say "oh I am sorry I called you just because to hear your voice"... " I was telling myself as I waited for him to answer.

Then when I heard his voice I panicked.

"Yes? There's someone here?".

"D-Dave hi! It's me, y/n" I stuttered.

"Oh look who is it!The pretty barmaid!" he teased me.

"So.. why you called me?" he got curious.

"W-Well...actually... no particular reason really. I just missed hearing your voice" I blurted out the truth to him. I couldn't lie to him, it wasn't a right thing to do to him; well, truth to be told, I couldn't hold back my true feelings.

"Oh oh.. we talked almost all afternoon and yet you miss me already. What is this? Developing a crush on me?" he laughed. I was sure he didn't want to say that on purpose but in that moment I felt teased and feeling tears forming I closed abruptly the call.

What had just taken me so suddenly, I didn't know. But I couldn't deny those tears and I wiped those right away.

I felt so strange... there was something happening in my heart.

Weeks passed since that call.

And for my bad reaction I thought I had to apologize in some way so I organized a sort of appointment... and after that we organized many more as we became friends. Time passed by and within short time we got so close that I started to ignore my former friends to see them getting in the background. The reason? Obviously the reason was him. When I had freetime I was always with him. Dave... Dave... Dave... it was always Dave for me in my free time. I couldn't do without him.

With him I could be myself and he was able to make me smile and laugh every time, in my bad and happy moments. I could trust him and I really did and he always paid me back with such kindness by always staying by my side and comforting me when I was sad.

He was... he was breathtaking... I fell head over heel for him and when I realized I was in love with him at first I was happy but also worried.

I tried to get in contact with my old friends.

I wanted to talk with them and when we reunited again to talk in my pub I explained everything to them... and the only thing they did was giggling.

I couldn't understand their acting; I was confused.

"Y/n... you don't have to worry, we completely understand. You are in love with him".

"It's okay to be in love. You don't have to apologize for this".

"He makes you happy, really happy, that's the only thing that counts. We never saw you so happy like now... don't let him go away; he's such a keeper".

That was all I heard  from my friends and I cried happy tears in front of them.

"You only have to confess him your love... you can't keep your great love for him inside your heart forever. It might hurt you".

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