1. Museum... where art and dreams meet (Morpheus x reader)

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The alarm clock rang; that means only one thing: it should be 7am, time to wake up to go to college.

I rolled over to the other side of the bed and still sleepy I reached it with my hand to turn it off and then I grabbed my diary.

Every morning I had the habit of writing down on the diary my dreams and this routine of mine sounded odd to almost everyone when for me it wasn't, better it was essential. My dreams were vital to me as they were inspirations for my drawing and writing passions; they used to be surreal and sometimes they were so fantastic that I myself wondered how could I dream such dreams... they were so vivid and real they seemed movies, fantasy ones.

Anyway... As usual I took my time writing down my dreams on paper and then I looked out from the window admiring the sunny weather.

"Another school day" I sighed while looking out and just a second after...

"Y/n! Come or you will get late to school!". Mom was calling for me from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I shouted while rushing down the staircase with the bag in the hand.

I managed to took a shower and after getting dressed I had my breakfast quickly; I drank my coffee and snatched a sandwich and after greeting mom and dad I rushed out.

"See you later" I shouted from outdoors and then joined my best friends to get to school...

yes... another normal school day of a normal teenager, like me, just started.

"Uff... school again" one of my friends sighed on the way to school. "Always the same.. always boring".

"Oh come on.." I intervened "today will be different. There is the visit to the art gallery. Remember?".

Yes, that morning with the class and art teacher we would visit the Hayward Gallery that recently was prepared to show paintings of Joshua M. Evans, a new entry and young prodigy in the art world as the journalists liked to describe him. I never saw one of his paintings but I heard of him and his talent was known around almost all the world... and wondering what kind of paintings could he draw to be so famous I looked forward to that visit; and actually I would be the only one ecstatic among my classmates for that because I really loved arts and had a passion of drawing.

Once arrived at school, as the first bell rang, me and my friends got in the classroom and we sighed in advance of what was awaiting us as first lesson: the dreaded and damned mathematics & physics.

– Time passes by –

Finally... Finally also this boring history lesson finished and knowing what we were about to do I smiled brightly. The art teacher came into the classroom and once we packed all our things we headed out.

A good half an hour passed by walking through the streets of London to then arrive at the museum in the Southbank Centre, complex of buildings that form Europe's largest art centre.. and to wait for us out in the entrance there was the guide.

And once we joined him the visit inside the building began.

By already standing out in the square, right before the entrance, I shuddered in anticipation imaging what kind of works I would see.. and once entered I remained amazed; from everywhere the atmosphere was filled with the magic that came out from the paintings and many people were there to assist the exhibition... but most of all I remained astonished for the works I was looking to.

Paintings were hung on every wall of the corridors and halls and for how surreal they were I thought I just entered in a fantasy world... and not only I felt this feeling; everyone there was like me. It was like those works contained some kind of magic, a mysterious one.

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