3. On an island... and in a volcano (Hephaestus x reader)

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I was sleeping when a slight breeze stung by skin waking me up from my dream.

I opened my eyes very slowly and when they were fully opened and after taking a quick look about my surroundings I felt confused.

I was standing before a forest that covered almost that place and around an immense volcano that was in the centre of what it was supposed to be an island; as a matter of fact there was a wide extension of water around me.

At first I remained still and oddly admiring the landscape but in no time confusion took over me again; that place was really breath taking for its exotic nature but in a matter of seconds I returned on being puzzled. Well this was only a natural reaction of someone being in an unknown place... andthen the breeze hit me again and I felt colder that I thought. I thought I was still in my pajamas on but when I looked at myself I noticed I wasn't; as I didn't have a mirror I looked into the water and I saw I was wearing a plain long red dress.

It was really simple yet fancy with no sleeves; the shoulder straps were tied by leather fibula and just under my breast there was a tight stripe with floral decoration to support my bosom to then let loose the remaining part of dress to the ground. And even if I wasn't that type of girl to wear dresses I found myself beautiful.

I left then the shores and walking up and down the beach I thought about what to do and after a moment I chose to explore the place. Since I was there what was the harm on visiting it? I just wanted to look what that site could hide.

As I entered and walked further in I saw only imposing trees with enormous trunks and all of them had branches growing only near their tops... and it was all desert; the only noises I heard was the chirping of birds and that sound was really pleasant to my ears. I kept on wandering around touching the trees getting in contact with nature walking barefoot and suddenly the ground trembled and startled me and it was strong. I looked in the direction of the volcano thinking that maybe it was the reason of that earthquake but from that mountain there was no activity if not only few lapilli; in this way I felt uneasy and I began worrying. Indeed that earthquake didn't stop better it persisted and became only stronger until it became unbearable... and until I saw only few meters away from me two enormous feet.

I raised my eyes and as I saw an horrid creature I screamed for fear. It was enormous like a tree with the strongest muscles that anyone could have. I didn't remain still to observe it better but I only needed to look at his face and got terrified by its expression and only one eye in the centre of the forehead. I screamed again and then by impulse I started running away for fear and for my life; but that long dress was an hindrance, damn it!

It wasn't enough being barefoot and running stepping on the branches on the ground that hurt my feet like hell. No! I was already scared and I got even more terrified every time I fell on that damned dress with the fear that monster could reach me and kill me... yes, it was chasing me and I did my best at fleeing but in my escape I had to run as fast as I could on the branches and at the same time avoid traps. It was the only thing I needed in that situation.. and traps were almost everywhere. However, while running and at the same time looking back to check where that monster was I stepped on a hidden trap and by passing on it I activated that setup; a net closed on itself and in a second I was almost catapulted into the sky but only after a moment it stopped and made me remain suspended in the air.

That monster caught up with me and when it and I exchanged glances it raised its hand to grab the net.

He then headed toward the volcano.

Oh boy! That couldn't mean anything good for me... maybe it was returning back to his home to then feed on me. I curled up to hide from the awful end it awaited me and I began sobbing thinking about Christopher, my love.

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