❤️ Meet Cerberus (Hades x reader)

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request of @@LillyLovesManga

You finally arrived at his house... well, his castle.

Naturally you didn't get there all alone but accompanied by Hades your boyfriend.

"Don't be scared okay?" he assured you when he saw you clinging on to him shaking a bit in front of the gloomy view.

"It's very easy for you only. This is the freaking Underworld and I am the only living person around here" you lamented a bit.... and he chuckled.

"Come on y/n... you are not alone, I'm with you" he smiled and then gave you a kiss on the forehead before approaching the entrance.

Yes, it was a dark and gloomy landscape made of rocky walls and pavements and flames coming out cracks in the ground; after all that was the Underworld and from it you couldn't expect nice and beautiful landscape with little flowers, butterflies and so on... unless you went to the Elysian Fields; but that day you would spend time with your lover as you promised and you looked forward to the surprises he made for you.

You entered the castle and as you went in a beautiful woman with a black plain long dress welcomed you. She had tanned skin, long wavy dark brown hair and hazel eyes... she was really beautiful.

"My king" she bowed.

"Hi Persephone, this is y/n.. the special guest I introduced you before".

You both greeted and then by invitation of Hades she accompanied you to your room to change and dress properly.

"So.." she broke the ice between you two as you walked down the corridors. "...I suppose you you're my king's love".

You blushed at her. "I.. ehm.. y-yes".

Persephone giggled a bit. "Don't worry. Hades and I never had relationship like yours, despite what you mortals think".

"Shall I call you my queen?".

At the question you jumped and blushing even more you shook your head; and thank god you arrived just in time at your room.

You had just the time to change yourself into a fancy black dress to then returning walking with Persephone because Hades was waiting for you. While walking down the corridors silently as you observed better the castle you had to reconsider about your thoughts; besides being huge the interiors were amazing with so many Gothic details.

And then you saw Persephone stopping by a great door and you halted to take a look at it curiously.

"This is the throne room" she explained and then you got in.

And as you entered you literally froze on the spot for fear.

You just saw a huge black dog in front of you; okay it could be normal, but what was normal in those three heads? Yes, three heads and you freaked out when you looked at them. They weren't looking so nice, they were growling at you showing their sharp teeth with angry white eyes.

Not good, not nice... not at all; also because that dog was in a position as if it was ready to jump on you and tear you into pieces.

That was why you were frightened to death and thanks god Hades turned to look at you and was fast to hold back the animal.

"Cerberus! Stop! Sit down!" he ordered at his pet and it sat down on the pavement looking like a docile dog.

And after that he rushed at you.

"I'm sorry my love. How are you? Are you okay?" he asked checking you.

"O-okay? Am I supposed to be okay after seeing a dog with three freaking heads??" you scolded him a bit and hugged him.

"I'm sorry again sweetheart" and then he led the way to his throne.

You sat down on his legs feeling like a queen and stood quiet together in each other's arms until a touch startled you.

Cerberus moved in front of the throne at Hades' feet and its fur touched a bit the skin of your legs uncovered by the dress; and for the startle you hid into the chest of your lover who chuckled at the sight.

"Don't be scared. He won't hurt you if you are with me" Hades assured you as he petted you.

"Let me" he told then and took your hand in his and placed on Cerberus' back.

You giggled at the soft touch of its fur and by invitation of your man you began petting the dog; and when it felt someone petting him he turned one of its head thinking it was Hades... but instead it found your hand and it licked it.

"I think Cerberus is taking a liking to you" Hades pointed as he smiled at your view; he never expected that his pet, a fearful mythical beast of the Underworld, would let a mortal petting him as if it was a domestic docile pet... but there it was and the god was a witness of that scene.

"I guess so" you smiled keeping on petting it.

"But not as much as its owner" you teased once you stopped to stand and talk with Hades.

"I think its owner more than like loves you" he chuckled and then hugged you to kiss you on the lips.

"I love you my queen" he whispered into the kiss.

"Me too my king".

And then Cerberus stood up and went near to rub on you two.

"Yes I think it likes me" you told as you looked at it.

And after that you looked at Hades and you both giggled looking at each other.

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