3. By the sea and underwater (poseidon x reader)

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Waves were crushing against the rocks and they were accompanied by a melodious song...

And being in bed I smiled at those pleasant sounds feeling at ease.

I was beginning to wake up as the sun was entering in the room time by time warming up the place... and as I was rocked by that melody I began to roll over the bed slowly.

And as nobody was chasing me I took my time at stretching and waking up.

I sat up on the mattress and still feeling drowsy I let my hand wandering on the softness of the cover and the bed and I enjoyed the warm of the sun rays warming my body. And then at the end of bed I saw a dress; It was a light sky blue elegant long chiffon dress and it was one shoulder free.

It was so beautiful that I wasn't able to hold back the desire to wear it and look like a princess.

And then, with semi-opened eyes, I began to move outside out on a balcony as if I was under the control and enchantment of the song; but when it stopped I woke up like I was freeing myself from a magic spell...and when I opened my eyes I remained amazed by the landscape;

a great expanse of water was in front of me and I noticed it wasn't the sea I was used to see every morning, so I moved around.

I was actually out on a balcony of a temple that was built on a cliff above the sea, a stretch of beach and some rocks from where the song I was listening to came.

"WOOOOW!". I let an exclamation of wonder as I looked again at the temple where I found myself.

"Anamazing temple I dare say" I admitted.

Believe it or not, I wasn't scared at all being in a foreign place; strangely I was feeling myself really at ease. Maybe it was the magic of the sea that always made me feel like I was at home..

and it really was. The sea was really my home; I always lived by the water: I was born in a seaside town, I grew up by the sea... and I lived and always looked for it to feel at ease and search for peace. And then thanks to it I found my real love that was Poseidon.

I wanted to look more out the window ans so I leaned from the balcony a bit in the direction of the rocks.

I was too eager to know who was singing with such an angelic voice. However I wasn't able to identify as the rocks were far away but I could see some points... And then my ears caught up some neighings coming from the beach.

I turned my head towards the beach and from afar I saw a herd of horses running towards the temple.

I rushed out and as I was on the sand the mounts arrived at me and they surrounded in a circle... each of them getting even nearer to let me pet them.

They were so beautiful: each of them were brown with black long mane and tail.. and they were big and strong.

They were like dogs wanting me to pet them and I gladly did with a bright smile on my face... and they neighed for joy as I kept on caressing them. It was really a pleasure for me; I never had a chance to be with a horse and pet it but I always dreamed about it... and that moment I was living that dream with really lots of mounts. And I was really overjoyed.

However shortly after as they heard a neighing of one of their counterpart they separated by breaking the circle around me to let the way for their friend; and as I took a glimpse into the opening they made I saw a black point approaching faster... to finally see in front of my eyes a big and stronger black stallion with black long mane and long black tail. Its regality and beauty took the words right out of my mouth. And riding the horse there was a man... He jumped out from the horse and he got near me with a smile on his face.

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