🎀 Imagine spending a winter day with Hades

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Winter holidays started two days ago and since the beginning it had been snowing non-stop.

"Oh please no... stop with this weather for just a damn moment!"  you shouted while looking out from your window and saw snow falling down.

You were really upset by this and it seemed you were the only one as outside there were happy children playing.

"Oh... come on... It's like I'm living in a cemetery".

You wandered around your house with nothing to do as you didn't have any idea how to kill time. And you tried and tried to think about something so much that your head was about to explode.

"Oh for god's sake someone come and bring me out from this boredom!"  you pleaded grunting out loud...

and then you sensed something odd behind your back and actually it was Hades all dressed in a grey suit.

"Hades? How come you are here?".

"Aren't you the one who just shouted out and begged for company?"  he answered you with another question. "I heard your plea and as I was being bored too I thought that two bored persons may keep company to each other".

You smiled at him as he was right.

You offered him a seat but he curiously walked around your house and looking at him you giggled.

"Why do you chuckle?".

"Oh well... seems like you don't come on surface so often"  you laughed a bit but he didn't react; better, he walked looking at his surroundings more curious until he reached the Christmas tree next to the window.

"Why there's a tree in your house with lights and coloured balls?".  He questioned as he was busy looking at it and you admitted he was quite cute.

"This... is a Christmas tree"  you pointed out "... and I did it myself as Christmas is drawing near".

"I must say you did a really fine job with it. It is really awesome"  he stated "... but what is this Christmas thing?".

"You don't know? You should get updated and go out the Underworld sometimes".

"I wish I could do that more but you know well that it is a full job that my brother Zeus gave it to me".

"Well... don't worry... I shall make this afternoon out from hell unforgettable for you"  you smiled and in that moment you were happy again for having something to do with someone.

"Sure it will be"  he admitted ".. as long as I am with you I would never get bored".

You blushed at the last thing you heard from him; you never expected Hades could say such a thing to any one but he did and, as you had a big crush on that god, it made your heart beat faster.

"C-Come with me then"  you stuttered at him leading the way to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry if I just made you feel unease".

"N-no... you just surprised me that all"  and you faked a smile at him.

And as you began bringing out tools, bowls and ingredients he observed you curiously.

"What are you going to do?".

"We are going to make cookies"  you gave him your best smile. "It will be fun when you cook in company"  you told him and in that way Hades couldn't say no as he saw you happy and he gladly accepted to help you out... and you found out he was a good cooker.

You spent good 40 minutes in the kitchen with you both cooking and explaining things about Christmas to Hades... and then you put the chocolate biscuits in the oven and let them cook.

"So.. we have 15 minutes to wait for the cookies. What would you like to do in the meantime Hades?"  you asked him.

"I think we can sit down and chat".

Agreeing with him you both returned in the living room and you sat down on the sofa.

"So Hades.. how are things in the Underworld or on Olympus?".

"Well... as much as I know there are no news from the others on the Olympus; on the other side, you know that the Underworld is a place full of dead and thus nothing special happens".

"Oh come on... there will be something to tell me or no? "  you chuckled.

"Oh.. for that yes. There are quite few stories I can tell you. But I will let you choose one".

"Hum... tell me how is the Underworld"  you suggested him and so he began to talk about how it was structured and everything else and as he explained things to you you were in awe and a bit scared at the same time... and then the alarm of the oven rang as a sign the biscuits were done.

Hades kept on talking while you went to retrieve the biscuits and only a moment later you came back with also some hot tea.

And the god never stopped talking about his work, himself and all the journeys of the mortals into his realm as he noticed you were really into his accounts and all eager to know.

However not so much time later you began feeling your eyes closing and he only noticed that when you were fully asleep with your head on his shoulder; and at your view he could only giggle for how much you were cute in his eyes and slowly and without awakening you he carefully moved away to leave the spot to you and lay you down on the sofa to then cover you with a blanket.

He stood there on your side looking at you sleeping peacefully for a moment.

"Sleep well my dear"  he murmured to you softly and planted a kiss on your temple.

And just before leaving Hades left a note for you and from nothing he materialized a black rose and then put it on the tray of the tea.

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