3. In the land of dreams (Morpheus x reader)

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I was sleeping peacefully and deeply...

but something woke me up from my dream; as a matter of fact my eyes began to open as I rolled to the other side of the bed to look at the hour on the alarm clock.

"J-Joshua?" I called for him still half asleep but no response came; it was all quiet, no noise. Strange I thought. I know very well that when asleep you sleep only but as Joshua fell asleep in my bed as a consequence he should be seen next to me; well, at least he has to be but in that moment "should" was the appropriate verb because he wasn't any more there on my... wait... where was my bed?

In that way from being half asleep and with semi-opened eyes in a second I jumped to see a surreal landscape around me. No bed, no walls, no desk... nothing nothing; it was like my bedroom disappeared like magic and I found myself who knows where. And the first thing I did was checking myself and luckily I still was with pajamas; good but not the best.

I stood up and looked around to have at least a general idea of my surroundings.

"What on Earth is this place?" I was totally puzzled.

Looking around myself I noticed I was on an island floating probably in the universe ( as there was only void and myriad of stars in a space of many breathtaking colours) like many others. And where I was, but also in the other bigger detached areas there were huge and ancient portals and each of them looked different; for example the portal, that was standing enormous in front of my eyes, seemed to be an entrance of an old Greek temple. For its enormous size I stood there speechless but I got even more amazed if not mesmerized by observing the mystic vortex that created a passage... it had a surreal motif and kept on changing and it was all wonderful. It was a pity I didn't have with me the mobile phone to capture the image because if I had had it, I would have taken a photo in that instant because such a scenery was unique and rare it had to be immortalized; and I noticed also that the islands were connected to each other with with smaller island as stairs or with normal staircases.

For quite a while I stood there admiring until the silence scare me a bit. It was too quiet and little by little I began to worry.

"I start not to like this quiet" I grumbled. "What do I do all alone? Where am I?".

"Joshua where are you? I'm feeling scared" I told out loud and then I crouched down on the grass until when...

a touch on my shoulder caught my attention and when I raised my eyes to see who could be a smile formed on my face as I saw in front of me and recognized Joshua. I dashed into his arms.

"I was scared of remaining in a godforsaken place all alone" I told him.

"Where were you? What is all of this?" I asked him parting from his hug once I felt safe. However, when I took a look at him I got even more confused; well, truth to be told more embarrassed than confused.

He was shirtless and only wore a long plain brown skirt that was held up by a brown leather belt on the waist; and when I looked at him I, well, felt a rush of heat pervading my body to then burn my cheeks. And he had to wake me by waving his hand in front of my face.

"Everything ok? What are you looking at?".

"I... ehm... I was... hum... Never mind" I stuttered while shaking my head as if to wake up from a dream or better to make me stop eyeing him up and down.

"On the other hand... what is this outfit for? What is all of this?".

Joshua cleared his throat and ruffled his hair, clear sign he was hesitant on what to do and say.

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