Halloween time! 🎃 (part 2)

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You were finally out in town.

"Ok! Let's get started!" Hermes exclaimed and at that you began wandering around the city.

Looking at all those kids celebrating you couldn't hold back a smile, they reminded of you when you were a child and went doing trick or treat with your mom and dad. Children looked in awe at you passing by, that was fun, and even funnier was seeing Hermes joining them to help them pranking.

The evening went on and you and the others kept walking down the streets until you passed in front of the cemetery.

There you stopped, in front of the gate, looking inside with a sad expression on your face as you thought of your parents and you didn't realize you fell behind the group.

"Y/n? Y/n!" Hermes and the others called you back to reality.

"Can you wait for me for a moment?" you asked and after that you went in.

Silence prevailed the place, you were all alone. In fact, who would expect someone go to visit the dead on Halloween night? No one.

You walked among the graves until you arrived at that of your parents.

There you remained in silence looking at the image of your mom and dad: they were hugging each other smiling happily.. and you smiled as a consequence.

"I love you mom, I love you dad" you told as you crouched down to touch the photo. "I hope you are in a better place now and happy".

"They are indeed".

You jumped hearing someone talking behind your back and turned immediately to see who it was.

It was Hades, all dressed elegantly with a black suit, and he was leaning on a headstone with arm crossed.

He smiled gently at you while approaching you.

"Don't worry y/n, your parents are happy now, I can tell" he comforted you and at his words you smiled.

"I wish so much to see them again" you sighed as Hades put on your shoulders his jacket against the cold.

"You can see them, I can bring you to them if this is what you desire".

You looked at Hades surprised. "R-Really? You can?".

He nodded. "Yes, I would do anything to see you happy".

You blushed.

Then Hades took your hand in his and you were amazed his touch was warm.

"Let's join the others".

Thanatos and the others were surprised once they saw you... in company of Hades but didn't tell anything.

Quietly you all take the way back and while walking Thanatos smirked at you.

"It's nothing really" you told.

Was it indeed?

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