2. A date with Ares

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It was already November and I was walking around the city under the cold weather...

and as I was taking a walk in the streets I could already begin to feel Christmas atmosphere everywhere... Lights were being installed on the walls and the same was happening in the shops... Lights everywhere and winter sales were about to begin.

And that could be noticed as lots of people were going in all the shops to look at the news and then getting out with both hands full of bags.

"Ugh... How can they like all of this?" I was questioning myself while looking at those people all smiling. "Christmas is not yet here and I am already bored of all of this."

I kept on wandering around town until I began feeling cold.

Damn that weather and wind! I had a coat on, a scarf and gloves and yet I was beginning to feel cold.

"What do I do now?".

I looked around myself and then I picked up my phone to look at the hour. It was still early to go home so I remained there a bit to come up with something to do. I wanted to drink something warm but unfortunately I didn't bring with me the wallet... then I remembered. A cousin of mine should live in that neighbourhood, where I was walking; in that way I tried to reach her with a phone call and happily she invited me.

I took a short cut to reach her house and passing by a new street behind some shops I got curious by hearing some noises... and a voice I thought it was familiar.

There was noises of tools and of someone who was repairing something... telling some curses. I approached to the voice source and I remained dumbfounded by looking who was the person.

"A-Ares?" I nearly shouted out loud making him turning to me.

"Ehi (name)! What are you doing here?" he asked me.

"I can ask you the same thing" I smiled at him getting near.

"Seems like I live here" he answered back while keeping on doing his work. "And you?".

"Oh... I was walking to my cousin's house... I don't see her for ages. I thought a visit would be nice." I told him as I was busy looking at him working.

"Oh... I am doing some reparation on my motorbike. Seems like it's being capricious". And then he went to clean his hands. "..But I can go on later. Please come in... you should be freezing here outside".

"Thank you". I thanked him as I was welcomed inside his apartment.

I texted my cousin I would arrive at her house later than expected and then I followed Ares inside.

"Nice apartment you have" I told giving a look around.

"Please have a seat on the sofa.". And hearing his voice from another room I did as he told me.

I was comfortable on the couch... until he got in the living room shirtless and as I saw him I turned red.

He noticed immediately and only chuckled.

"A-Aren't you cold?" I stammered while I was looking to another direction, not his chest.

Gosh if he was tempting!!and I didn't know if he was acting like that on purpose or not... but in my heart I didn't mind that.

"Not at all" and then, with only a pair of long trousers, he lay down on the sofa. We both stood silent for a moment while I tried to look at him without getting noticed.

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