1. It's all about gym (Ares x reader)

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It was a Thursday evening and as usual I was taking my dance class and in a matter of minutes I would have finished it to head my way home... finally.

It was since September I had joined this dancing class and was already mid of November and I really enjoyed my time in the gym making some sport and also new friendships; and luckily the gym was in my neighbourhood and so I didn't have to always in a rush to move around.

Once the dance class finished I made my way to the changing room... but on the way I stopped by the windows of the equipment room where there were usually men working up... and I remained there, all astonished, looking at them while drinking some water.... until...

"Ehi!" a friend of mine called me bringing me back to reality.

"Always looking at him eh? Do you like him?" another one asked.

Yeah...I liked the man whom I was looking to but I didn't have courage toeven approach him with an excuse; after all he was the body building and self-defence trainer. He was way too much for me! And also I could never be at his level and have a possibility for him to like me; I was just a normal woman. But nothing would stop me at looking at him.

He had dark brown eyes and shoulder length wavy dark brown hair but he always tied them up in a bun. He also had a bit of beard that made him really sexy. And also his body was something not to laugh about!! A sculpted and really muscular body he had; he could look like a Greek god if he wanted. Seriously.... and his fine muscles were stood out more by the shirt and short trousers he always wore. And something else I loved of him were his black tribal tattoos on his left arm and also the scar mark on his left eyebrow.

And I was there looking at him totally in awe not caring really about my surroundings. Until...

"Excuse me".I was brought back to reality by something and looking around I saw him, the trainer, on the door jamb with arms crossed.

I tried to say a word but as soon as I opened my mouth he talked to me again.

"...you seemed carried away at looking inside the room. If you are interested you should join" he smiled.

Once again I tried to mumble something but he invited me in taking gently my arm.

I was freaking inside and when I entered the room I stood up in shock without knowing what to do and how to act.

"S-Sorry...But I don't know where and how to start" I told him with a weak voice.

"Don't worry... I am specially here to show you" he smiled at me making my heart flutter a bit.

And then I stayed there for a good 30 minutes... but for most of that time I was busy looking at him training others and himself. Well why wasting such an opportunity like that?

But once that lesson finished he called me up again and I felt a bit weird.

"So...what actually brought you up here?" he asked me curious while he was putting away his things.

I panicked at the question and I tried to come up quickly with a lie.

"E-ehm...Frankly I was only curious".

"Mmm...it's quite long time I notice you stopping by the windows and see inside the room. Is there anyone you like?".

"N-no no!" I almost shouted while blushing for embarrassment and he chuckled at this view of mine.

"I am not here to judge. Just asking" he admitted hiding a faint smile.

If he discovered how could I act to him? It would be only embarrassing for me... so I had to hide my crush for him. I knew I didn't know anything about him but I was really infatuated with him.

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