1. Just a coincidence? (Eros x reader)

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- setting: Seattle (Washigton) - 

The strong perfume of the cherry trees in blossom came through the tilting window and, already at early morning, pervaded my room...

and its perfume woke me up.

In spring that was my favourite alarm clock, that woke me up with good humour.

And indeed was like that;

I stood up from bed and – unexpectedly – I reached all lively my parents in the kitchen who were waiting for me to have breakfast.

I drank my macchiato and after biting my brioches I greeted mom and dad.

"Have a good day at school darling!" they told me.

Eh yes... school, school again, but luckily it was the last day of lessons for the week.

I got out home and as I opened the door I saw my friends who were waiting for me and with them I headed to school. We took our good time though and taking advance of our anticipation we stopped by the shops on the road.. each getting decorated for S.Valentine's Day; my friends sighed happily and dreamed at each window shop we saw because they looked forward to spend that day with their boyfriends but I was the only one who remained unmoved if not disgusted at almost each shops.

"Please girls" I begged as we stopped by the millionth shop.

"Can we just go ahead? We will get late at school".

"Come on y/n! You are no fun".

"No wonder you talk like this" my other friend told me and as I listened to her I gave her a confused look. What did she mean to say, I didn't know so I waited for her to go on. "You're single now, okay, but let's see when you will fall in love with some guy".

"WHEN and IF I will" I contradicted her.

Yes guys, I was single and I was happy being one; however my friends didn't see it like me. They were a bit worried for me, worried I would remain single all my life.

"If you go on like this you will stay alone all your life".

"You're a beautiful girl, y/n... seriously. Guys would follow you and fight over you but you don't even take a look at one".

Always... always sentences like these I heard from them every day. Why should I fall in love with someone? Why should I be like every girl of my age and have a boyfriend when I didn't want? In this way I told them clearly how things were.

"I'm single and happy with it".

"Seriously y/n" f/n said "you're a beautiful girl not to talk about very clever and smart. You've got a character of gold".

"We are worried you won't be able to fall in love if you keep on thinking like this.".

They went on talking like that for the whole way to school and one arrived there I kind of let out a sigh of relief.

We got into the classroom and few minutes later the bell rang starting lessons.

– Time passes until 3 pm –

I returned finally home just to put the bag in my bedroom, change clothes to go out again to go around city to help my friends "shopping" as they insisted at lunch time.

We walked down several streets to look for shops and after a while I begin getting bored; we were just walking and seeing shops from the outside rather then take a look inside.

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