3. A special place (Apollo x reader)

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I was sleeping peacefully just until the moment I felt a light breeze on my skin.

Okay, it would be normal as I was out in the mountains with Luke but I was in a tent; well, better say, I was supposed to be in one... but as I was feeling a gentle wind I thought I was outside; but how I ended up being outside the tent I didn't know so little by little I opened my eyes...

And I found myself lying on the grass. I was supposed to see the lake and the forest around me but instead what I saw it was only a wide open garden with different types of trees with blooming buds.

"Where am I?" I asked myself as I began to feel confused... but strangely I didn't feel unease; on the contrary I was calm as usual if not even more. Yes, I was puzzled about my whereabouts but that place made me felt somehow comfortable and I wondered if I had that feeling thanks to the melodious song I was listening to along with the chirping of birds.

The sun was up and bright and I felt its hot rays on my body... and looking to the sky I turned almost blind for how strong the light was and I noticed also that the sun was much bigger than usual and this was because it was near; that was also why it was so hot I couldn't bare that temperature. It was too hot that somehow I tied up my hair into a bun and just when I raised my arms I noticed something strange.

Where did my t-shirt go? And my trousers? I took a look at myself and saw I was dressed completely differently. Instead of the t-shirt and trousers I was wearing a dress. It was a bright yellow chiffon strapless gown with rhinestones belt and it was long enough to touch the ground. It was really nice to my eyes and I smiled at the possible thought I could be beautiful with it and I wondered what would be Luke's reaction if he saw me like that.

Yes Luke... but where was he?

I started going around in search of him but no one was to be seen there and I began questioning if actually I was all alone in that deserted but the song I was listening to made me think otherwise... if there was a song there would be someone around there singing it.

In this way I tried to follow its source and when the melody kept on getting stronger and nearer I found a group of women.

They were nine and each of them seemed so gracious and beautiful with their fit bodies, pure white dresses and their brown hair tied up.

"E-Excuse me?" I tried to catch their attention and they turned at me when they heard me calling them out.

"Where can I find Luke? I don't see him anywhere around" I asked the girls but at my words gave me an inquisitive look to then giggle.

"He's not easily to be found, girl" and they returned to what they were doing.

"Seriously.. Why did they laugh? I asked only for information and not told anything stupid" I thought by myself as I kept wandering around.

And then I arrived in an open space where there were temple ruins. I observed better and sitting on the stairs there was a man dressed in a bizarre way doing something.

He maybe was holding an instrument and as I got curious I approached him quietly to see who he was but I stopped from a distance when I recognized him having very familiar traits. It was Luke! Finally I found him but I couldn't believe my eyes to see him dressed in that way.

He was wearing a golden armour that fully covered his body and it sparkled for the sunlight: he had his black hair down and wavier than usual... and by looking at him I remained dumbfounded. Did I have Luke or an angel in front of me?

"Y/n? Y/n, my love, you are here my love!" he shouted in excitement as he noticed me.

"L-Luke? Is this really you?" I asked him almost yelling for the distance.

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