🎀 An extraordinary saviour (Hades)

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Imagine Hades saving you while running away from bandits 

Imagine Hades saving you while running away from bandits 

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The village was already lost in flames.

There was nothing to do any more; there were no escapes.

Bandits had raided every houses and killed whoever stood in their ways... and you were no different from the others; you were just a normal girl to them and if they had you they, at least, could rape you. In this way you escaped from that hell and began running away as fast as possible but those villains came after you nonetheless.

You ran and ran. You spent almost all day running away and even though you couldn't feel your legs any more you couldn't stop.

Panting and running you arrived at evening near a forest. You were reluctant going into the forest as the sun was going down but you had to fight your fear and entered. You thought that you distanced yourself from those men but from afar you could hear them chasing after you screaming.

"Oh no.. What I do now?" you began to panic.

You wandered lost in the forest and tears began falling down your cheeks; you were totally scared of them catching you...

and then you saw a cave and decided to hide in there.

You crouched down on the cold ground behind a rock and you let it out.

"P-Please... Almighty Zeus please help me.. please.. just any god... please help me" you begged.

And then for how much you were totally exhausted from running and crying you fell asleep... until you were awaken by a shake. You got so startled that you almost screamed when you woke up.

And then you looked at the person. He was all cloaked with a black mantel and he wore a long black dress; and unconsciously you felt so scared because you thought you had Death in front of you. He sensed your fear and to reassure you he took off the hood and you could see his face. He had short black hair but what you noticed most were his piercing cold blue eyes... and you got lost in them like you were bewitched.

"I'm not going to hurt you" he assured you while crouching down to meet your eyes.

"I'm just a wanderer" he answered your question.

And then you wondered about the bandits and you asked him again.

"They will not chase after you any more. I took them down" he smiled.

"T-Thank you... you saved my life" you thanked him giving him a hug and for that he chuckled.

"Let's take you somewhere safe" he suggested. "Where is your house?".

"I don't have my house any more. My city was all burned down" you confessed sadly.

"Do not worry. You will stay with me for the time being". And helping you standing up you walked out from the forest.

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