2. Cravings in the night (Morpheus x reader)

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Only a day passed from the visit at Hayward Gallery but in my mind the image and the thought of Joshua didn't want to give me a rest not even for a second... not even when lessons finished and I returned home.

I had my head in the clouds; I did nothing other than thinking about him. I could say that Joshua completely and perfectly caught my whole curiosity but I didn't imagine so much. Ok, after attending the exhibition I admitted I was really impressed by his great talent but I began thinking that he was a really interesting guy, besides being nice... and under all that I asked myself if he hid something; I didn't know why but I had that feeling that everyone has when someone hides a secret. And I kept on thinking about him... I kept on and on and some times I didn't even realize that I thought about him (even by instinct); and the only way to stop was having always someone near me who could bring me back to reality... for example when...

"Y/n.. darling.." mom called for me at dinner. "Is everything ok?".

"You were spacing out and ate very little" dad added.

"Hum.. yeah... don't worry... just thinking" I reassured them with a smile and then I immediately headed to my bedroom.

"Just thinking.. yeah" I talked out loud once I threw myself on the mattress. "More like smashing the brain".

"Joshua... Joshua... why are you always in my mind?" I asked out loud while I stared at the ceiling. "You look so familiar... you and your paintings...Where did I see you?" I kept on ruminate on for a while .

"Argh... I give up, I can't do any more" I told after a moment exasperated. "It's useless... I can't think of anything".

And while I closed my eyes another question came in my mind.

"Who the hell are you?". And then I fell asleep.

– Morpheus P.O.V. –

I couldn't resist.

I was chuckling almost laughing by observing in secret y/n; she was too cute while she was smashing her head.

"Don't worry about this" I whispered to her. "Think about sleeping and dreaming... You'll know everything in due time".

And when I saw her closing her eyes and after being sure she was sleeping deeply I decided to join her in her dream.

– Back to 1st person narrative –

I woke up as usual when the alarm clocked rang at 6.30.

I took a shower, dressed and after having breakfast I went to school always in company of my best friends. We got in classroom right in time before the bell that always rang giving the start of lessons.

Luckily time passed quickly from lesson to lesson (where, also there, I got lost in daydreaming and thinking about Joshua) until when break arrived.

And a moment after bell rang for recreation time a classmate of mine called for me from outside the room while I was eating and chatting with the others.

"Y/n! There's someone here who is searching for you" she told.

"It's a boy and he's cute" another one, who was with her, added chuckling.

Being curious I went to them and as I went out from classroom I saw in front of me a smiling Joshua. I got red in his presence and even in front of my classmates and feeling embarrassed I took him aside.

"J-Joshua? What on Earth are you doing here?" I asked him once we were in a corner far from undesired people.

"Oh you remember me then!" he giggled but returned serious as I gave him a "really" expression.

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