3. On the Olympus (zeus x reader)

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Silence and calm were reigning over the bedroom as I let a yawn as a sign I was waking up.

I started moving around the bed enjoying as always its warmth and softness.

It was so comfortable staying in bed... in particular the day after the hard work of the seminar and that horrible dream.

But that silence was way too much; my apartment was in the city and in a street full of bars and other shops and I worried not hearing noises from outside. Usually at 8am there were some chattering on the street and the noise of the of those below who opened the cafeteria.... but that morning nothing was to be heard.

However even if it was unusual I liked that quiet; I thought I needed it some times.

In that way taking advantage of that calm I moved slowly in the bed as my eyes began to open; and I left a smile as my hands were touching the soft mattress.

Then the sun hit me gently on the face with its warm rays; and it was there when I fully woke up and remained a bit confused.

When I sat up I saw the colour white almost everywhere: the bed, the covers even the cushions.

"Wait... this is not my bed" I observed.

I got curious all in an instant. I stand up and as I looked around me I didn't feel strange or scared at all; but astonished.

Even if the room was simple with only a little table near the bed and a chair with a mirror, it was fascinating; maybe it was because it reminded me the ancient Greek room of the temple.

And then my eyes fell at the end of the bed and noticed a nice decorated wooden chest with a dress on it.

Always being curious I picked it up and I remained astonished looking at it. It was really awesome! It looked like the dress ancient Greek women used to wear.

It was a long white tunic of woollen cloth without sleeves and it showed up the breast as it had a nice cleavage. At the shoulder the dress was tied up with fibula and the decorations on it (hems and ornaments) were golden.

"Wow! It's so wonderful" I commented out loud in awe. That dress caught my attention and my interest and without thinking twice I changed into it.

And when I was fully clothed I went to look at myself.. and when I saw my image on the mirror I felt surprised.

"I really look like a Greek woman of the ancient times" I giggled and then I moved around with that dress on; and I had to say that it looked beautiful on me.

And always being curious I left the room to look where I actually was.

So once out I found myself in a huge long corridor that left in awe and walking slowly I wandered around the place full of columns... to finally making me realize I was in a temple; and then I caught some noises from afar.

"Who could be?" I asked myself as I hid behind a pillar.

Luckily I passed unnoticed but when they got near me I took a quick glance of them: they were men and women wearing all Greek ancient dresses.

"I really can't understand... Am I in a strange costume party?"

I let that question pass in my mind and I kept on walking without getting caught until I found myself out on a balcony where my eyes witnessed a dreamy landscape.

In front of me there was a huge expand of grass full of trees and flowers that coloured the garden and the little fountains and lakes.... and among those trees there were hidden temples of every size.

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