2. A date with Poseidon

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Since when I got to know him I began to feel stranger.

I could not believe that he was actually a god; maybe he only just played a joke on me. So I didn't care about it... but I started feeling something odd in me after my encounter with him.

I could finally sense again a feeling of ease and calm... and that helped me change my  life for better; at last I had the courage to break up with myannoying boyfriend (if he actually could be called as "boyfriend")and thanks to that I could look after myself for better enjoying my hobbies and work too.

In this way I began anew my life as a happier woman...

Summer was approaching and I already could sense holiday atmosphere as days became hotter and the call of the sea became stronger... but I couldn't do anything but going to work like everyday.

So after taking my breakfast I headed out my home and while walking to the office I could see people enjoying the hot sunny weather going around the city and also teenagers with bath costumes heading to the beach with the surfing table in their hands... and looking at them I could onlysigh.

"I wish I could skip work today to go to the beach and surf" I thought by myself as I turned back to admire the view of the sea. "But I really have to go if I want to earn something" and so I took to the road again.

I arrived at the office and immediately I started to work hard as always for the entire morning... until at break I heard my phone ringing.

A message had arrived.

"Ehi! Care to join me at lunch after work?" .... It was him and I almost jumped for happiness in the office but I held back my enthusiasm; and then I replied back accepting the invitation. The morning just had a better turn and returning to work I couldn't wait to finish and go to him.

In this way when midday came I took my bag and took the way home until when I reached the square I found him sitting on a bench catching all women' eyes.

"Making an hit one very girls, aren't we?" I asked him in a playful manner trying to take his attention.

He turned at me listening my laugh and he only chuckled.

"It's not my fault if I am so fascinating" he told.

"So, Casanova, where are we going to eat?" I teased him. For me it became an habit acting that way with him and I couldn't help it.

"We are going to my house so we can enjoy the view on the sea.... as you are dying for it" he stated.

"Well, you are right... but how could you tell this?".

"I have an eye for this." he then stated and we headed our ways to his house on the beach.

We enjoyed our lunch on the wooden terrace above the sea as it was a sunny and warm day and we stayed there chatting for a long time.

"Are you free this weekend?" he asked at a certain point.

"I don't have any particular plans... just chilling at home and maybe coming here at the beach if the weather keeps on being like these days".

"What about spending some good quality time with me then?" he asked with a smile.

I smiled back at him and accepted; I wanted to give him a kiss on the cheek but I tried to resist. I didn't know why suddenly I had a crazy desire to kiss him; but I just felt like kissing him... but I didn't. What if he didn't like me back? So I just acted nice with a smile as a friend.

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