1. Mysterious guy in a graveyard (Thanatos x reader)

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Again there; I was there again reliving that calamity.

The accident. The blinding light of the headlights, the loud noise of the horn and then that almost deadly crash... then complete dark.

Was I alive? Was I dead? I didn't know; the only thing I was sure about was that I lay down on something.

I couldn't understand where I was; I was confused until...

TSK... a noise caught my attention.

As I turned I stood shocked. There was someone but I wasn't able to distinguish anything; that person was completed hooded in black and only needed a scythe to look like the Death.

However... only a moment after we exchanged glances and when I looked I was even more confused.

"No... not yet" that individual smiled at me and after closing a book a pair of black wings spread out from behind the back and then vanished...

and I woke up.

I've been spending my nights since after the accident like this.

I've been dreaming this unusual dream since after I woke up from coma and it didn't dare to have some kind of a meaning... well at least not for me as when I woke up every morning I was always confused.

What was that thing? And then... what did "not yet" mean? These questions tormented me so much that since the first times I had it I had told about it to psychologist who constantly visited me during rehabilitation.

And every visit was always the same: always telling that dream and nothing changed.

So at a certain point the doctor tried to explain me as she noticed me being totally puzzled.

"You just got out of a near death experience when everyone thought it was the end for you. What you dream is the outcome of the shock suffered by the accident and this shock appears in the form of a dream. You saw for a moment your life going away to then wake up. What is that mysterious person? I can dare to tell you that it could be Death that was with you for a while and that it went away".

Well, I couldn't say she was wrong, what she told me was right... I lived all of that and dreaming that thing could have been normal to me since the beginning. It was as if I felt my soul flew away for just few seconds to then return into my body; it was like I defied Death.. dreaming about Death visiting me for a moment during the rehabilitation was natural if not impulsive.

But... what was that figure? I was still with the idea that Death was a skeleton with a black cloak and a scythe... but that of my dream was different; with the corner of my eye I took a glimpse of two eyes that seemed blue.

How was it possible? And those black wings?

That's how I started researching about that mysterious identity. There isn't only one depiction of Death, I thought, and thinking like this I found something to do to keep me busy every day at home.

Between internet and books I began to research about the various figures of Death in the folklores and in the mythologies of the ancient cultures... but it was hard; it was really difficult to find who that mysterious person was but I didn't intend to back off.

In this way I spent my days practically reading and researching but when I wasn't busy with books or PC I was surrounded by people I held dear, from my friends to even my teachers. Relatives and friends stood by me helping me recover and to keep me up-to-date with the news... but social life traded place also with solitary moments, where I felt better.

And in these kind of situations when I was alone I read or slept... and at night I remained awake and sitting near the window of my bedroom I contemplated the moon and stars and I meditated.

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