3. His world (Hermes x reader)

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That morning I decided to go to the museum.

I had the morning free, no work... and actually I didn't have any plans.

I didn't know what to do so I thought I could pass by the museum surprising Lee.

In this way I went.

As I crossed the threshold the bell on the door rang but no one answered nor came to welcome.

"Strange – I though – maybe they're working".

Okay I went there without notice but at least a welcome was right to do, but never mind; they were concentrated on working I thought so while waiting for Harry or Lee I decided to take a look around.

I began wandering around the halls admiring every pieces until I heard some voices when I got near the store room; one it was of Lee but the other I couldn't recognize it, but they seem friendly as they were calling each other "brother".

"Woow – I whispered – Lee didn't tell me he had a brother. Now to think about he didn't tell me anything about his family".

I got curious then at that point.

I quietly leaned over to eavesdrop and spy him...

And what I saw was beyond imagination; my eyes widened at the view... I couldn't believe.

There was this sort of hollow mid-air looking like a mirror and it was shining bright; and in this mirror there was an image of a guy with black wavy short hair and a laurel on his head.. and he was giving Lee a letter. What surprised me was the fact that Lee wasn't upset, better he was talking normally with him as if all of that was a routine for him... and indeed they were talking normally as if they didn't even know about my presence behind the door.

However that lasted little because seconds after I spread out the door to look better at the view still shocked.

"L-Lee?" I called him and as he heard his name being called out he jumped on the spot.

I caught him by surprise.

That strange hollow with that strange guy disappeared like magic hoping that he didn't get noticed by me but it wasn't... and Lee hid the paper behind the back.

"W-What are you doing here love?" he asked. "Are you not at work today?".

I didn't answered, better I rushed to him to take the paper.

When I looked at it I got even more confused; on it there were strange letters as if the letter was written in ancient Greek and indeed it was as I recognized some of them.

"A-ancient Greek? What's all of this Lee?" I asked him as I showed in front of his eyes the paper. "And that thing mid-air? Brother? You should tell me something and right now".

"I don't like when you hid something from me" I confessed sadly. "I love you, you don't have to be scared by me and my reactions.".

At that he took my hand and gave me puppy eyes and I couldn't do anything against those, they were my weakness.

"I'm sorry sweetheart" he apologized. "You're right, I should explain you everything."

"Well, you know I told you my family is strange and difficult – he said after a moment of silence – well.. you might be shocked if I were to tell you that in my family we are all gods and goddesses, including me and who you saw, one of my brothers".

Indeed I remained shocked at those words. "G-gods? What does that mean? Real real gods?".

"I imagined you could react like this, I understand but please believe me. I am not joking, I could never joke on such a serious thing like this.".

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