2. A date with Apollo

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Weeks passed by and there were no signs of him.

I began so to lose hope in seeing that handsome guy again and I felt sad for this; I really wanted to meet him but every weekend when I went to the park to do jogging he was nowhere to be seen. However I would never give up; I wanted and, no matter what, would always go to the park until I would see him.

In this way another Saturday came by and as usual, after wearing proper clothes, I headed out to the park.

With the headphones on I was absorbed into music and in my thoughts that only few times I checked where I was going. I kept on walking and images of the guy came in my mind so suddenly.

"Gosh why? Why now? What has gotten into me?". And then I shook my head as if I was waking up from a dream when I collided against something.. well, better say, against someone.

I raised my eyes and as that person turned I remained shocked when he faced me.

It was hi! Bloody hell it was him! I felt my cheeks burning as looked at him smiling.

"H-Hi" I stuttered and he gave me a confused look until...

"Oh my... are you that pretty girl I saved the other time?" he recognised me and I nodded.

"Last time we didn't get to know each other, sorry. I am Luke".

"I'm y/n, pleasure to meet you. Thank you again for last time" I returned the smile. "How can I repay you?".

"Let's go drink something together" he suggested then with a bright smile on his face.

So that was, the beginning of everything; from that day on the two of us began spending time together when we both could.

And as time passed mine and Luke's relationship grew more; from perfect strangers in no time we happened to be great friends. It was so unnatural but just at first glance I sensed him being natural and someone like me; so because of that, of being similar, I opened to him immediately and by doing so I discovered to share the love for the outdoors, sunny weather and the arts. couldn't ask for a better friend; he was perfect for me.

In this way, when possible, we two were always outside doing every sort of activities together or just hanging around city like normal friends; and I always had fun. Whether it was doing sports or even the most trivial activities such as going to cinema or eating together, I had always fun.

In few words the two of us did almost everything together and there were literally few times we were alone because I wasn't able to be apart from each other; it was like we both needed each other in our lives. And even though it could be strange it really was; and by always staying together there were also times we were even mistaken for a couple; and as time passed that made me reflect even more on our friendship. Yes, think... as people and friends made me noticed that I started analysing everything, our relationship and m feelings for him and actually I sensed there was something strange going on between us. Maybe in the past I didn't want to notice that as we were just starting a relation; but as days passed that feeling didn't go away but persisted. Like hell it was a temporary thing like I thought! So I could only arrive at one conclusion: I was fallen in love with him and I didn't realize it.

We were really closed friends and our friendly bond was so strong that I wasn't able to recognised that as time passed my feelings weren't of someone towards a friend. Better, they were stronger and more serious as if my friendship with Luke turned actually into a crush for him... and that was.

I was happy if not ecstatic around him and I could act natural and be myself with Luke without the fear of being misjudged by him and by feeling like that I found myself then not being able to separate from him; for me he was like medicine, the perfect medicine to be happy in my life. He became part of my life and I didn't want to let him go easily.

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