1. Meeting in a museum (Hermes x reader)

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Nearly two weeks passed but my routine was always the same.

Alarm clock at 7 am, work in the office, quick lunch and off to the usual museum.

I worked in the marketing department affiliated to a big tourism office in Greenville, where I lived, and recently I got in contact with a classic museum of the Ancient Greece. And to tell the truth it wasn't even a coincidence, better; I was keen of classic evidences and art, above all that of Greece, because every time I looked at it was like they brought me back in time and made me live those times and feel the magical atmosphere. Not to talk about I was a keen lover of Greek mythology! And so when came out news this museum needed to be promoted I didn't even to propose that my colleagues gave me that task immediately and I accepted with utter joy.

And this was how I ended up going in and out that museum, to live in person that location to be able to promote with informations I obtained daily thanks to photos and historical details; and as time passed I was on speaking terms with the owner who revealed to be an exquisite, open, gentle and a willing person.

That day was really warm, warmer than usual, and as routine, after my lunch break, I got in the museum.

The bell that was hanged up rang as I opened the door and its sound signalled my presence and as a matter of fact a moment later Harry showed up (this is the name of the owner) at the information desk.

"Hi Harry!" I greeted him.

"Always here for work dear?".

"Actually no; today I passed here out of my own pure curiosity". I stood quiet for a moment while I looked the collection around me.

"You don't mind if I take a look?" I asked in advice.

"No, not at all, go ahead" he invited me with a gesture of the hand. "Unluckily now I have to go to do a commission. You stay here and if you need anything call the curator" he added.

I looked at him perplexed; a curator? Since when? There was someone else in the museum and in all the time I didn't notice? Maybe he got hired only recently, I thought by myself.

Harry called him over to present him to me and as I saw the caretaker coming out an hall my eyes widened.

A tall, very nice boy with an athletic body approached and as he got nearer I felt my cheeks turning red. He had short-medium, messed up dark brown hair and he had a bit of stubble that made him really fascinating; and when he was only few centimetres away from me I noticed his eyes being hazel.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lee" he smiled at me... and his smile made my heart jump. I didn't expect that a guy like him could smile so tenderly just like a child. By smiling he showed his dimples and a bit chubby cheeks. I got red for his sweetness and remaining still like a statue, without even realizing, I stood there to study him from top to bottom.

"Is everything okay, miss?" he asked with concern.

"Oh.. y-yes" I said once I woke up like I was dreaming a second before. "Please don't call me miss" I added blushing.

"I'm y/n".

"So... what are you looking for?" Lee asked me breaking the ice.

"I'd like to see some classic Greek artefacts and statues" I told.

"You like classic art?" he was curious and as I nodded smiling he chuckled.

"I imagined so" he answered out of the blue confusing me.

"Oh... since I saw you I got the feeling you are someone who appreciates the beauty of the classic Greece. Let's say I have this kind of gift to understand this" he explained me trying to be clear as much as possible but he left me perplexed any way; he was cryptic. "... a work's thing" he added and I just smiled and nodded even if I was confused.

"Well, where should we begin with?" Lee asked.

I looked around; everything there was amazing, I didn't know where to start... until when my eyes were caught in their wander by the statue of Amor and Psyche and I pointed at it.

"Such a good point where to start" he told. "How much in love they were!".

I nodded as I fully agreed with him... and as we got nearer to observe better the details a sudden thought came in my mind.

"Yes... what will become of us instead?".

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