❤️ Bermuda's triangle (Poseidon x reader)

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- request of @Angelksck - 

Ahead to Bermuda's triangle.

Poseidon had chosen from quite long time to let you visit his underwater realm and all its wonders, perils included.

Together you visited everything, well not everything; Poseidon wanted to let you visit the notorious Bermuda's triangle and he was well aware of what you two were going to have to deal with.

"You have to stay near me ok?" Poseidon pulled you closer to his chest.

"Don't worry. I won't get away" you smiled at him but when you saw him serious and silent you stood quiet and took his hand in yours. He then spurred the hippocampi and you took off.

"Listen y/n, that is a dangerous place. Neither I, god of the sea, get near in those waters; it's hideous and for you, as you are a human, even more" he explained as the chariot was being dragged by the hippocampi. "You have to stay next to me no matter what so I can protect you".

Your heart jumped at those words and you began feeling scared. What could hide that place that scared even a god? Not something good definitely.

You nodded silent and you held yourself tighter at him.

"This Bermuda's triangle has to be that dreadful as the myth tell" you were terrified.

You went long miles and along the way you both enjoyed the view you had around... until when your attention was caught by a loud rumble that shook you. Because of that noise the hippocampi went wild and Poseidon lost control of them causing the chariot to be swept away by the powerful wind.

A storm... it was a sea storm!!

From even the depths of the sea you could hear thunders and lightnings striking the ocean... and that storm created a maelstrom so powerful and giant that could swallow and destroy everything like a black hole; and its power overturn the chariot and in a matter of second you were at the mercy of the impetuous stream that was carrying you right inside that maelstrom; and when you noticed that you got even more that terrified.

"Poseidon! Poseidon!" you instinctively called out for him but no response; what you received only was a great quantity of water entering in your mouth that almost suffocated you. It was all in vain.

You were in the whirl all alone, defenceless and terrified, but nothing stopped you from searching for Poseidon. In this way your eyes began wandering around but also that was useless; that powerful whirl didn't let you open your eyes... but you could sense some kind of presence nonetheless; something was swimming around you, you could feel it because you could sense the water moving creating a current... and certainly that something couldn't be something good; at least not in that place. There could live only evil creatures.

Your heart was thumping hard in your chest and for how terrified you were you couldn't think straight.

A powerful blow hit you and swept you away from the maelstrom.

You were finally out from that hellish whirl but in that moment you weren't going to face nothing good; as a matter of fact when you opened a bit your eyes you got shocked.

A lizard, it was a huge serpent of the sea! It looked like a water dragon and it was so huge and terrific with its red ferocious eyes opened and sharp teeth ready to eat and kill you. That monster began swimming towards you at high speed but you couldn't move yourself; you body was numb and you slowly were getting dizzy.

You let so your fate happen... that lizard entrapped you with its hard scaly body and its grip was so impressive that was almost breaking your ribs; and because of that superhuman grip made you scream in pain and so gulp down water.

However that serpent didn't want to let you loose and tightened even more its grasp.

You thought you were going to die and you closed your eyes ready to face death.

It seemed an eternity for you to wait for the deadly hit to come at you but something interrupted the moment and the lizard moaned and retreated; you wanted to see but you didn't have strength to move any part of your body.

Your sight went blurry and in a matter of second it went all black...

Until when someone hitting on your chest and you felt all the water you had drank up to the throat to throw up.

"P-Poseidon" you called for him with hoarse voice when you recognized his features and him being next to you.

"You saved me" a faint smile showed on your face and he nodded.

"I couldn't leave you behind to die alone".

He then scooped you up and led the way to the chariot that was by the the beach you two were.

"I-I thought I was going to die".

"Did you think I was going to let a monster kill my woman?" he laughed a bit. "We are going to leave this hell now and head home where you will recover".

And so you did. He put you down in the chariot and then spurred the hippocampi to return back to the castle.

"I love you too, Poseidon" you told while falling asleep "...Thank you".

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