Chapter 1 - Graduation and Plans

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This Story is currently being rewritten due to a lot of mistakes and awkward spellings.


Time check, its 3:00 PM. My Graduation Ceremony wont start until 6:00 so I have plenty of time to prepare.

Lets start off by introducing myself, My name is Georgina Roque, but I dont like being called by my full name. Gina or george would be just fine just dont ever combine those two.

I find it super lame.

Im a natural colored skin person and I had light brown eyes just like my mother and my Brunette colored hair just like my father. Im not the kind of pretty girl that you always expect. Im more like an average girl who doesnt care about what people see me as.

I believe that I was perfect. *note to sarcasm*

No but honestly, I didnt find myself too pretty but hey, I still look presentable.

Im half Filipino and half white. My Dad is white and of course according to what I mentioned, my mom is indeed, Filipino. Im 22 years old and a graduating Art student. And I couldn't be more excited to take further studies about arts by going to a University next school year. Which is not happening till after Spring break.

Anyway enough about me

SPRING BREAK! ahhh!  I am so excited! The girls and I planned a lot for this years break. Since we all are having a long ass break, we decided to save up money by doing some afterschool jobs for the past few months. And now that the time has come the girls and I will count the amount that we had saved up and add them all together to be able to travel to Thailand!

Isnt this great??

"Georgina, it's almost 3:30! Do you even plan on attending your Graduation Day?"
My mom yelled from downstairs.

Speaking of the Ceremony I forgot that I still had to do so much to prepare! I had to put make up on, do my Hair and decide what to wear, my girls would be here in an hour I have to be done by then for some photoshoot.

Well i'll go ahead and get ready before my mom turns into a machine gun and shoot countless rants about how lazy I was or how I was procrastinating.


I was wearing a knee length laced white dress and a pair of silver heels that has a little bit of glitters on then which I know, is a little too 'much' of an effort but I at least had to look great on the last day of my college life, right?

Although it wouldn't matter much to put on such an outfit as it will get covered by the graduation Gown anyway. I then, curled my hair and started working on my make up. I put on a simple smokey eye look with a perfectly lined eyeliner and a full on eyelashes. Did a little bit of contouring and ofcourse, highlighting. And wore a beautiful nude lipstick that went perfectly with my eyeshadow. 

And voila!

That took about half an hour to do, but the outcome was worth it. I took one more glance at myself before deciding that I looked perfect.

This is it George, you're finally graduating.

I couldnt help but smile at the thought of me finally graduating. I've always wanted to become an Artist. A painter, rather. I've always loved holding a paint brush since i was little. My mother even had to get mad most of the time because I would always paint on the walls of my room so she decided to buy me my own sketchbook. It's almost like I was destined to be one. I just cant wait to finally make a living out of all my paintings one day. But for now, i'll focus on enjoying before being fully committed to my career.

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