Chapter 35

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"Bye, see you guys later !" George yelled from the kitchen before heading out the door. She's awfully in a good mood today that she even acknowledged my presence without feeling any kind of awkwardness.

"She seems happy today" J-hope chimed and sat down beside me.

"Well, its her birthday tomorrow so." Namjoon replied.

Everyone exchanged looks

Its George's birthday tomorrow ? And..tomorrow Joan and the others are coming...

Oh I get it now ! They're surprising her because of her birthday ! Now I feel so stupid I should've agreed to taking her out instead of Jackson tomorrow but then again, I dont think she'll ever agree to that idea. So forget it.

"Jinjja?" Jungkook asked excitedly. He loves it when its someone's birthday. He thinks because its all about being happy and all. Honestly, birthdays are nothing to me. It just means im getting so much more older.

And uglier.

"Hyung lets buy her a cake tomorrow !" Jungkook happily chimed in.

Its kinda like a thing to us. When its someone's birthday, we always buy that person a cake. Jimin started that 'tradition' thing.

"What do you think she likes ? Chocolate? Vanilla? Coffee?" Jimin panickly asked.

"Chocolate sounds good" Jin hyung smiled.

They all continued discussing on what to get for George's birthday while I stood there not knowing what to do or give her. I dont think she'll accept whatever i'll give her. She thinks its contaminated by Lisa's touch. The least I could do is plan for the 'Joan coming' suprise thing. Its the least I could do. She doesnt have to know that I was the one who planned it, right ?

"Namjoon Hyung..can we talk in the kitchen? Just for a second" I whispered in his ears. He nodded and we both entered the Kitchen.

"What's up?"

"Do you uh happen to have Jackson's number?" I asked. He shot me a worried look knowing about what happened a few days ago but nodded anyways.

"He did contact me a few days ago to ask about George so here" he gave me his phone and I quickly added him to my contacts. I mouthed Namjoon Hyung a thankyou before exiting the kitchen. I quickly dialed Jackson's number, Nervously. I have no idea why.


JS: yobeoseyo ?

Me: George with you ?

JS: whose this ?

Me: just answer my question before I answer yours.

JS: uh, yeah she is why ?

Me: Its Taehyung, I need to talk to you about something, borrow me some time without George knowing im talking to you.

JS: oh. Uh sure.

G(BG): whose that babe?

*I quickly rolled my eyes

JS: its my dad. Its something important. I'll see you during break okay ?

G: okay babe. I love you.

JS: I love you too.

*My heart ached the moment I heared a smooch sound. I knew this was a wrong idea. I shouldnt have called.

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