Chapter 42 - its the end.

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Its been weeks since the day that the girls came. Which happens to be the day since the surprise and Taehyung and I's 'friendly date'. The next few days after that has been absolutely amazing. The girls and the guys really got along well with eachother while Taehyung and I started becoming a lot more closer.

A lot closer than what I had expected.

We were like the best of friends now. Also known as the king and queen of pranks. Thats what everyone calls us because these past days we've been pranking the other members, a lot. Its seriously such a fun thing.

And also, if you're wondering. I did manage to find it comfortable to call them oppa. They wouldnt stop making me call them that since they kept saying 'thats just how its suppose to be George'. Eventually, I got used to calling them 'Oppa'. Funny thing was, Jungkook calls Joan 'noona'. The face she makes everytime Jungkook says it really make us wanna roll on the floor laughing our asses off. She hates that word.

And as for Jackson ?..

I dont know, these past few days, we weren't able to spend time with eachother much. We would just have lunch together and go home together but just until the bus stop. He would often go down on a different stop now which is odd. I always asked him where he's off to. He would just say 'dad wants me to do something' and take off.

"George! Stop day dreaming and get ready for school" Joan nagged.

"Oh sorry" I laughed and went straight to my bed to put my shoes on.

It has been exactly this way since then. They would wake me up every morning and prepare my outfit to school. They always loved styling me since I wasnt really a fan of 'fashion'. I loved wearing simple clothes but they think its a little 'underrated'. I know, how stressful right? Even so, Im thankful for their concern.

"You and Jackson okay now babe?" Michelle asked worriedly.

I've been telling them about the things going on between Jackson and I now. He wasnt as sweet as he was when we were on our first month of dating. Its gonna be almost two months but..

I dont wanna think that way. I cant think that way. Maybe he's really just busy and as a good girlfriend, I must support and understand him no matter what.

"We have always been. He's just really busy. Maybe now he wont be." I said and faked smile.

I knew he would reject me again if I try to invite him over. It has been like that for a week now. Im starting to get really upset but im really trying my best to put it aside. I didnt want to have an arguement with him. Not right now, I guess.

"You sure ?"

"Yes, I'll be fine guys. We're fine." I smiled.

I hope so.
"Jal gayo" I laughed and waved everyone goodbye.

"Take care, shorty" Taehyung teased and ruffled my hair before giving me a wave. I groaned as I fixed my hair again and walked out the door.

Another day. Another day of trying to get Jackson to spend time with me let alone the school works. Ugh.
"George" a Deep voiced man called, To my disappointment it wasnt the person I wanted to talk to.

"Oh, hey Mark. Where's Jackson?" I smiled.

"He wanted me to tell you that he wanted to see you in the dance room right now" he smiled.

What is this ? Another surprise ? I didnt know if I should feel nervous in a good or bad way. The last time I went in the dance room, he asked me out. What could be so important that he couldnt just wait till lunch or afterschool ?

Despite my weird feelings, I still did what Mark said and headed straight to where the dance room was. All the lights were switched on and I could hear the music playing across the hall. Maybe he wasnt gonna surprise me, how stupid of me to expect such a thing. I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath before finding the courage to knock on the door.

"Mark said you wanted to talk to me?" I sweetly smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheeks.

He didnt say a word and softly pulled me inside before shutting the door behind him. I looked at him worriedly as he didnt look like he was gonna say something nice. He looked tensed and stressed.

"Baby whats wrong ?" I asked and cupped his face.

He took my hand away from his face and looked away from me. My heart started beating fast, I didnt feel good about this. I knew something was bound to happen today but im hoping to god it wont be what im thinking about right now.

I cant lose him.. I dont wanna lose him.

"Jackson..answer me. Seriously, whats wrong love ?" I asked again, trying my best to sound positive and comforting. 

"We should...stop seeing eachother.."

The last two phrases was what made my whole world stop. I felt like a cloud full of rain had poured down on my shoulders. The heaviness that my heart once felt, came back in a snap.

How ?

Why ?

"What do you m-mean..?"

"Im..I-Im Breaking U-up with y-you.."

My tears finally started pouring down, tears after tears. I could see the pain in his eyes while saying those words. I knew something is up. I knew he didnt want this.

But why ? Why wouldnt he fight for what he wanted if he really did love me?

He couldnt look at me straight in this eye. He tried to blink away the tears as well.

But why ? Why is he still doing this ?

"Jackson please..whatever I did. Please tell me..I'll make it up to you please dont leave me" I begged and tugged onto his shirt tightly.

I didnt want to let him go.

I love him so much

" sorry..I just.."

"I know you dont want this Jackson please" I cried out.

"Im sorry." He said before taking my hands away from his shirt. With only that being said, he walked out the dancing room. Leaving me, still questioning myself.

Why ?

Why would he do that ?

Does he not love me anymore ?

What have I done ?

Is there someone else ?

I sat with my back leaned against the door, hugging my knees and crying my heart out, silently.

How come when I finally feel right and happy, things like this would happen ? Out of all the things that could happen, Why does it have to be Jackson leaving me ? What have I done ? Why couldnt there be any way to make it right instead of leaving me straightaway ?

Why Jackson ?

I thought you said you love me?..

I didnt even tried to think twice and ran out of the school, ignoring Sarah who tried to run after me. I did felt Jackson running after me.  But I was too hurt to stop. I didnt want to stop.

Its this kind of pain.

The pain that I felt when my father left the world but only this time..the person that left me, is still with me.

It hurts ten times more knowing that he didnt even give you a proper explaination to why he decided to just leave you like that. He didnt even tried to look at me once and see if I was okay with it, he didnt even tried to know what I felt. He didnt care about what I felt.

I was angry, Hurt and confused.


I am angry, hurt and confused.

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