Chapter 21 - the fangirl

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"We're here!" Jungkook cheered.

We have arrived the place where they'd be holding the Fansign event. Wow these guys really are famous. I could hear screamings already and it increases a lot more as we come closer.

Theres a huge line of fangirls and..fanboys ?

How can I ever get through that ? It will take me hours to get to my turn. I wanna get out of here already. I dont like being around this crowd. Its too much.

I opened the van's door and was ready to go out until Jin grabbed my wrist.

"Where are you going?" He asked, the rest of the guys were also looking at me with confusion.

Well except for one, who know exactly what I was going to do.

"Line up?" I answered which sounded like a question.

"Why?" Jimin asked.

"Because, im your biggest fan" I rolled my eyes.

I heared Taehyung laugh at the back. Ugh, this guy. He really likes seeing me get into character. The boys asked no more questions and let me go. They drove off to where the back entrance was and left me all alone standing infront of thousands of fangirls and boys.

I sighed as I tried to pass through them. This is impossible. The line is never ending !


"Why would she line up like that?" Namjoon hyung asked in confusion.

"Beats me" Suga Hyung replied, shrugging

I didnt tell them about George and I's deal or that would lead them to asking why we made a deal. Jungkook though, Knew about it. He sighed and shook his head while looking at me. I shrugged and went back to look at my phone.
We were now inside the make up room and was getting our make up done.

I wonder how George is doing ?

Jungkook's right. I shouldn't have thought of this deal. What if she's being squeezed by those fans outside ? Those girls can be really crazy when it comes to us.

I feel bad but I kinda wanted to see her fangirl about us. After all, its fun.

"Boys, time to go" our manager announced.

Well George, see you.


George's POV

"Bangtan Sonyeondan !"

Everyone screamed and held up the posters that they had of the boys. I stood there, with my hands convering my ears. Its too goddamn loud in here.

Please, I wanna get out.

"Dul, Set! Bangtan! Annyeong Haseyo Bangtan Sonyeondan Imnida!" They all greeted with their signature greeting pose.

Well here goes nothing.
Its been exactly 2 f**king hours since I got here and im still at the very far end. My feet is sore. I cant even see anything because im too short. I see nothing but heads ! I wanna get out of here so badly.

Save me please.

"George?" I looked around and tried to find the voice that just called my name out only to land on a girl whose beside me but was on the other line. She was basically next.

" know me?" I asked in confusion. I didnt know her.

"Ofcourse. Im a huge dreamer." She smiled

Oh I see, wow. This turned out to be my fansign. How cool is that.

"I thought you were close to the boys ? I saw your previous video" she asked.

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