Chapter 12

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School had just finished and I was ready to leave the school when Jackson all of a sudden stopped me.

"What's up?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"George, we only have 2 days to finish our song. We didnt even come up with one sentence during Art class" He objected, I chuckled as I remembered how displeased Jackson was when I started scribbling on my notebook instead of coming up with an idea on what our song should be about.
Jackson sighed and rolled his eyes before flicking my forehead.

"Ow" I grumbled and rubbed my now, red forehead.

"What the heck was that for?" I whined.

"2 Days George. 2 Days" he reminded and lifted up 2 fingers, pushing it to my face, close enough to hit my nose.

"What am I suppose to do then ?" I asked annoyed as I stroke my itchy nose.

"Not you. Us. We need to do atleast half a verse today" He commanded and pulled me outside the school since a lot of students were passing by and we were blocking the way.

"How ? And where ?" I asked while tapping my feet impatiently. I really wanted to go home but Jackson wouldnt allow me. He really was into writing this song. He really is a passionate guy but right now ? Im in no mood. First, I dont know how to express. Second, Im not confident enough to sing infront of the class. Thinking about it makes me wanna throw up already.

"My place?" He recommended. I eagerly shook my head no as soon as he looked at me with pleading eyes. I didnt want to breath the same air as Lisa. I dont even think I could last a second there. I bet Lisa would do everything just to get rid of me. Im already lucky enough to not bump into her atleast once today.

"Then yours ? Please George" Jackson implored. I sighed as I gave up trying to get him to give up. As I said Jackson would never take no for an answer. So I really had no choice. I defeatedly nodded my head out of frustration. I knew he wouldnt leave me alone unless I say yes. I just really need to have a great explaination to why I have brought a guy in our house instead of Sarah. Goodluck to me then.


We were now on the bus and my stop was next. My heart was beating rapidly as we come closer to my stop. It was my first time to have a guy come over my place, I was never a fan of bringing a guy to our house. Most importantly, I didnt want my mom to see me being around guys.

Although, I have been for a week already. Im talking about Namjoon and the others.

"George? This is our stop" I snapped back to reality as Jackson lightly tapped my shoulders informing me that we have finally come to a stop. I let out a heavy breath and walked out the bus.

We both walked to our place and we both didnt say a word to eachother. Im guessing he was nervous too since he knew he would be meeting my mom for the first time as well. I stopped as soon as we had finally arrive the front gate of our house. I nervously shake my hands and turned to face Jackson who seemed pretty amused by my weird actions.

"Just please. Stay quiet as possible and dont say a word. Okay?" I nervously begged and he just shrugged with the most innocent smile. It was pretty evident that he wasnt serious about it. I knew Jackson pretty well. I sighed and took a deep breath before finally entering the gate. I stopped again as we have come to the door. I turned to Jackson again and he shook his head while giving the cutest chuckle ever. Damn it jackson.

"Okay Jackson just pl-"

"George. I'll stay quiet, I promise okay?" He said cutting me off before placing his hands on both my shoulders and spun me around to face the door again. Let's get this over with.
I pressed the doorbell and within a second my mom greeted me with a smile on her face. Her smile faded away as she stood there, surprised while eyeing the guy behind me, Jackson.

"Hi mom, this is uh..Jackson. W-we uh we are-" I stuttered nervously and couldnt even finish my sentence since Jackson cut me off. Again.

"Hello Mrs.Roque. It's so nice to finally meet you. What she's trying to say is that we are here to do a project together, if you dont mind" I heared Jackson said and I turned to see him shaking his head and was chuckling at how stupid I looked awhile back while he gave my mom the warmest smile.
I turned to look at my mom who seemed to be taken back from the whole situation but eventually invited us in. As I entered, I pulled my mom to the kitchen.

"Mom, I know you might be angry for bringing a guy here but-"

"Honey, calm down. Im not angry okay ? Im actually pretty surprised you invited him over." She stated cutting me off and tried to calm me down. This is literally the third time I was cut off.

"So you're not mad ?" I supplicated while raising a brow.

"Ofcourse not honey. Why would I be ? Besides, he's really goodlooking" she remarked and winked at me. I playfully slapped her arms and rolled my eyes after.

"We'll be staying in the living room" I smiled and went back to Jackson who was busy looking around the house while running his hand through his hair. I paused a little bit as I stare at him with amazement.

Snap out of it George.

"Like the place?" I asked with a smirk. He simply smiled and bit his lower lip as he caress his neck. Was he somehow shy ? Thats the first. I have never seen him shy, It somehow gave me a delighted feeling seeing him at his weak point.

"This way" I said and lead him to the living room. We both sat on the sofa awkwardly while he still looked around with amusement.

"Being quiet doesnt suit you at all" I stated, breaking the ice between the two of us.

"I know right. I dont even know why I felt embarassed infront of your mom all of a sudden" He replied and put both his hands on his face, I laughed and messed up his hair and he laughed in an embarassed way.
My mom suddenly entered the living room with two glasses of juice on her hand and placed it on the coffee table.

"So, Jackson right ?" My mom questioned and sat down on the chair beside the sofa.

"Yes Mrs.Roque" he replied with confidence but the nervousness was still apparent.

"Please, no need for the formality. Aunt Ane would do" she requested. I could see Jackson who I swear was sweating heavily as he conversed with my mom. I couldnt help but to let out a chuckle. it was the first time I saw Jackson this nervous and it was seriously a funny view. My mom continued to interview him while I sat there, watching Jackson stutter from time to time. He couldnt stop running his hands through his hair as he answers my mom and how he'd repeatedly say 'im sorry' whenever my mom asked something but he couldnt understand because of nervousness. 'Poor Jackson' I thought to myself as I continued giggling while taking a sip of my juice.

"Well I guess, I'll leave you guys alone to start on your project. Dont be shy to feel comfortable" my mom insisted before leaving the both of us behind.

"You should've seen your face ! You look totally ridiculous" I teased and laughed while mocking him. He playfully hit my arms softly and couldnt help but laughed at how absurd he was.

"Yah yah yah. Not because you saw me that way you're gonna start bullying me" he responded and rolled his eyes.

"Might as well" I said and started to be hysterical again. I just couldnt get over seeing Jackson being shy. It was rather a rare sight. He's usually the 'I dont care if you feel uncomfortable, im gonna talk to you until we become friends' type of guy.

"Lets just get started" He demanded and took his notebook out along with a pen and I did the same.


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