Chapter 16

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"Where is this place that you're gonna take me to ?"

We've been walking for atleast an hour now and I dont seem to see anything.
We were just in this place where it had nothing but old trees and walls. Jackson kept ignoring my question and kept saying 'you'll see'. I was seriously starting to get impatient.

"We're here" Jackson finally said and we stopped infront of a wall with leaves growing on them.

'This is it ?' I thought to myself. We walked for almost an hour just to see this wall of leaves ?

"This is what you want to show me?"

"Yeah. Are you not impressed?" He asked with a chuckle.

I's pretty and all but what do we do here ?

"Uh..I guess so ?" He sighed and shook his head with a grin on his face.

What does he see that I cant ? He seemed to be so amused by this wall of leaves when im here confused about what the hell is going on with this wall.

"Touch it" he ordered.

I looked at him confusedly, not sure if I should touch it or not. It seemed pretty fucking weird to me.

"Come on George trust me you'll be impressed" he begged and I sighed.

I knew he would force me to touch it even if I said no. I slowly lifted a finger up and tried to feel the leaves but to my surprise. It was just flat. There were no leaves on the wall. I didnt feel anything except the cement.then I realized, this was a painting. All of these were paintings.

"T-this is all p-paint?" I asked with wide eye while still touching the wall.

"Yep. Its beautiful isnt it ?"

"It is. I thought for a while it was just a wall full of leaves but..woah" I know it doesnt seem interesting to anyone but if you really loved art. This was pretty much amusing to you, I seriously just got decieved. I really thought it was real leaves. It was so detailed and perfect.

"But..why'd you take me here?" I asked while still admiring the beauty of this wonderful masterpiece.

"Cause I wanted to show you the place where I find peace and happiness whenever I feel pressured" I stopped admiring the painting on the wall and diverted my gaze to Jackson who was sitting under the tree with his back leaned against it. I smiled as I watched him close his eyes for a moment to relax before walking up to him and sat beside.

"Do you feel pressured?" I asked a little concerned but was still admiring the great green wall.

"Nope" he bluntly responded with his eyes closed.

"Then why are we here ?"

"I already told you George. Also, you're the first person I brought here so please feel special" he chuckled and went back to closing his eyes.

You're right. I do feel special. But it was quite impossible that im the first one he took here. He must've had a girlfriend that he brought here before right ? Stupid, George. He already told you that you're the first person he took here. Which part of that do you not understand ?

"Why'd you take me here?"

"I wanted to show you the place that gave me the same feeling whenever im with you" he indicated without looking at me at all.

I sat there silently, with my red cheeks and a stupid smile on my face. Its crazy how one small thing that Jackson says, makes me blush. I wasnt the type to fall with words that easily but with Jackson, It just happens. With just one word, he gets me falling over him. Which made me scared. I knew I was slowly falling for him, but Im too much of a coward to take the risk of getting hurt again. I didnt wanna expect anything from Jackson, but it was almost too impossible not too. The motivation he was giving me was a lot more than just being a 'friend' to me. I was happy but I was confused as well. I didnt know if he did like me back or he's just normally this sweet because im the only girl he has gotten close with this much.

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