Chapter 2 - Goodbye Spring Break Dream

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"Can you please let me go on a trip with my friends?" I fastly asked and closed my eyes hoping she'd say yes.

"Honey, ofcourse." My mom replied

"Really ?"

"Yes, where to ?" She asked still smiling


"Absolutely not Georgina !" She then took back what she said. Oh no. This isnt good.

"Why ? Mom. Im 21 i can travel on my own now." I begged. But my mom didnt say a word, she just looked at me, in a way that she's , I dont know, upset?

"Please mom, i have enough budget. I wont ask for money. I'll be safe I promise"
I begged and pulled out the best puppy face i could ever pull.

God i hate doing this.

My mom and Eun Gi exchanged looks and finally looked at me, although Eun Gi couldnt look at me in the eyes. Something is definately going on. I dont feel right.



"George.. Its not that, im not allowing you. But your Dad Eun Gi and I have plans" my mom said.

Wait, did she say Dad ? And what does that have to do with my trip ? Thats their plans anyway ?

"Did you say Dad ?" I asked.

I may have sounded rude but my mom told me I couldnt call him Dad unless they get married and I dont think that day would come just yet. My mom knows how I am with people I dont fully know. Although, they have been dating for years now, I still dont know much about Eun Gi.

My mom exchanged looks with Eun Gi again and he held my moms hands.

"Stop that. Stop exchanging looks. Share your feelings please." I said while rolling my eyes.

And with that I noticed something shined right before my eyes. It was from my moms hands.

Fingers actually.

I stared at it for a few seconds until it finally sank in.

"What's that mom ?" I asked,

I know I said it sank in. But I was hoping that it wasnt what i was thinking, even if it obviously is. Are You confused ? Yeah, me too.

"George..Eun Gi and I are getting married" my mom announced and gave me a worried smile.

Eun Gi however put his arm around my mom's shoulder as a sign of comfort.

I was shoooookt. Really shookt. I didnt even know how to react. I didnt feel any anger nor did I felt happiness for them. I was blank. Is that bad ?

" mom..uh congrats?.." I said, still not feeling anything. Still confused at how it affected my trip with my friends.

" is this related to my trip with my friends again mom ?" I asked.

"Yeah about that..we're getting married in Korea" Mom said

WHAT ?! Wait. Dont overreact George. A wedding wont take a whole break right ? I could just meet my friends at the Airport of Thailand. Right ?

Oh who am I kidding.

"Woah.. uhm.. well it wont take you guys the whole spring break to get married right ?" I smiled with hope.

But at this point ? I was hopeless. My moms expression changed again and it doesnt look like its good.

Spring Day // Kim Taehyung ( V )Where stories live. Discover now