Chapter 22 - Jealousy

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Taehyung's POV

"Kamsahamnida ! Saranghae!" We all waved goodbye to our fans as the event we has come to an end.

It was seriously so fun. I love meeting ARMYs and see them so happy to meet us. It seriously softens my heart so bad.

"Yah ! Taehyung ah !"

Uh-oh. Step Brother alert.

I felt my head being smacked hardly. I guess I deserve that for giving George a difficult time. She was so cute though. Its worth the pain.

"What were you thinking ?" He asked annoyed.

"Sorry Hyung, I was doing my Job" I teased.

We all reached the make up room and we opened the door revealing George, who had passed out on the couch. She looks so cute. How can someone look that attractive even when sleeping ?

I slowly made my way to her and was about to wake her up until Seokjin slapped my hands away.

"Yah! Dont you think you were a little too much back there?" He snapped.

Hyung has been so into scolding me nowadays, specially if its about George. He's acting like a protective brother. Seriously, Its kinda annoying me.

I couldnt say anything though, he's older.

See ? Disadvantages sucks.

"Dont wake her up, I bet she was tired. After all, she stood up and waited for hours" Jungkook joined.

Fine then, team up on me.

I noticed out of us all, Jungkook and Jin had been really affectionate towards George. Jungkook wasnt too obvious about it but I can see him stealing glances over to George for the past couple of days.

So much for just a 'crush'

Meanwhile. Jin Hyung, has been really sweet towards her and makes her blush from time to time.

They both sat beside George and left no space for me to seat on. I pulled on an annoyed face and walked over to Namjoon hyung.

"Taehyung, why do you like annoying George so much?" Namjoon asked without looking at me as I sat daw beside him on the other couch.

"What do you mean Hyung? Im normally like this" I scoffed.

"Is there something you would wanna tell me?" He put a hand on my left leg.

"Hyung, what are you talking about?" I asked again, taking his hands off of my legs.

"Its something similar to the word 'admire'" he laughed and shook his head.

He's keeping me in a hot seat. I knew exactly where this was going.

Should I tell him ?

I mean, Rapmon Hyung has always been the one I tell everything to. We always have this deep talks at night back in our dorm in Seoul. The only difference now is, we're talking about his sister. Step, rather. Which made it hard for me to confess to him.

"I-I just really like playing around, have you not memorize me by now?" I nervously laughed.

"You're right. I guess I was assuming again, im sorry" he laughed

I can tell that He wanted to tell me something but couldnt. I didnt like the feeling of curiousity so I really needed to know. I have to know or else I wont be able to sleep for the whole night.

Who else is like that ?

"Why have you asked?" I tried to get him to open up to me.

"Nothing, its just that. Jin Hyung told me a few days back that he..uh kinda.. you know..liked her and I thought you liked her too. I didnt want anyone to have any conflicts with eachother. Specially just because of a girl, that happens to be my sister" he whispered to me. I immediately glanced over to Jin hyung who was secretly taking pictures of George while sleeping.

Jin hyung likes..George?

Isnt he a little too old for her?


George's POV

I heared camera shutters and I flattered my eyes open. At first everything was blurry so I couldnt see clearly who was beside me. I rubbed my eyes and turned to my left to reveal a smiling Jin.

Well hello there, Handsome.

No, you have Jackson. Stop it George !

Seriously though, who wouldnt blush if the first thing you see after a short nap is Jin ? I call it fangirling. Nothing serious so calm down people.

"Oh Jin, you guys are done ?" I smiled, sitting up.

"Around 10 minutes ago" he smiled back and sat closer to me. Which, I didnt mind. I felt comfortable around him ever since we went to Haeundae Beach in Busan. Also, He's Jin. Angela's Kim Seokjin. I need to get closer to him as much as possible for Angela's sake.

I know, I know. Im such a good bestfriend.

"Well, why didn't you wake me up then ?"

"You were sleeping peacfully. Besides, We knew you got tired standing for hours because of someone over there" Jungkook added emphasizing the word 'someone' and pointed his elbow to Taehyung who was glaring at him. I looked at him with a proud smile, obviously telling him that 'HA! You might have made me look like a fool out there but your members are on my side'. You should see the look on his face.

"She's up, let's go so I can have a proper rest. Talking can be so tiring" Suga complained.

I let out a giggle and we all finally stood up. Suga went out first along with J-hope and Namjoon. Jin stayed by my side and so did Jungkook. I find it cute how the youngest and the oldest are with me right now. I feel like we're all siblings and im the middle child that happens to be the princess of the family. How cute would that be ?
Walking to the van was fun, I made jokes with Jin all the way while Jungkook was trying his best not to cringe at our jokes. Which made it even more funny. I also love how they never stop bickering with eachother. Its annoying at first but you get use to it and laugh it off.

These two are adorable, seriously.

"Wanna seat on the back seat with me?" Jin hyung asked.

"I wanna seat with her too, Hyung" Jungkook smirked.

Hold up, Im just gonna comb my LONG hair. Im so flattered. Two members of the most Hottest and Biggest Korean Boyband WANTS to seat with me. Call me miss.Pretty. Thanks.

"Theres always room for 3 right ?" I laughed and linked both my arms with them.

What ? They're brothers to me and most probably the closest to me out of all of them. Weird how Im closer to them than my actual brother.

Taehyung ? Oh, we're not close friends. We're close frienemy.

Totally different.

I love the vibe Jin and Jungkook were giving me way more than that annoying little doorknob.

We finally reached the van and the driver opened the door for us. Jungkook walked in first and sat on the right window side, followed by me then Jin on the left window side.

The ride home is gonna be amazing with these two.

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