Chapter 34 - bromance.

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A/N : there wouldnt be any George's POV for awhile.
Taehyung's POV

I was disturbed by the sound of another person snoring so I fluttered my eyes open only to come face to face with my Older member, Namjoon Hyung. who was hugging me. I felt so awkward as Our face were literaly inches apart from eachother.

"Hyung get off of me" I said in disgust. He groaned and sat up.

"Sorry, I didnt realize that I fell asleep" he replied back scratching his head.

We went silent for a bit. He was still trying to wake himself up while I tried to get over the fact the were close to kissing eachother. Oh, the chills man. The last time I kissed a man, it was because of a punishment.

You all know what the hell im talking about.

"What time is it?" Hyung suddenly asked. I looked for my phone and checked the time.

"Its 4:00. Wow I slept for almost the whole day !" I said while chuckling. I ruffled my hair and stood up completely leaving Namjoon Hyung behind to get some food. Man I was hungry.

Its now 4:00. George would be home any time now. I would have to leave soon too. I dont think she would want me to be around, neither do I. I dont want myself to stay while shes here. If shes uncomfortable around me then i'll help her. I'll stay away from her for how long she wants me to. Its for the best I guess.

I was about to walk in the kitchen when the house phone started to ring. I quickly walked over to it and picked it up.


Me: yoeboseyo ?

; Is this Mr.Kim ?

Me: uh no, sorry he's not around.

; Taehyung ?

Me: whose this ?

; Its Joan..

Me: Oh George's friend ?

J: yes. Yes it is. Is she around ?

Me: not yet, in any minute now.

J: good. Can we talk to you literally as video call ? Its something important.

Me: I uh..dont know about that..but sure give me your number I guess.

J: okay. Its ***********

Me: alright i'll contact you as soon as I reached home.

J: cool thanks. Bye (background: love you V !)

Me: *chuckles. Alright bye.

End of convo*

That felt absolutely weird. I have never given my number to a complete stranger before. Well I didnt exactly give it but once I start contacting her she'll probably have my number then.

"Who was that?" I nearly jumped as I saw Namjoon behind me.

"Aish. You scared me." I said touching my heart.

"You still haven't answered my question" he chuckled.

"George's friend. She wanted to talk to me" he gave me a weird look and shook his head.

"What ? She wanted to tell me something important, so I'll contact her once I reach home. Speaking of, George would be home any time now so I should probably go" I sighed.

Seeing George today was the least amount of things that I would wanna do for now. I wanted to avoid her for as much as I could. I mean I cant run away forever eventually, I would have to see her but not right now. I needed time to be away from her or atleast not have any interactions with her for awhile.

"Alright, take care man. I'll see you tomorrow" he smiled and went straight to the kitchen. I quickly grabbed my bag upstairs and ran down just so I wont be able to see George. But life doesnt always work the way I want it to be.

Just as I was reaching for the doorknob, the door opened and there, stood the person I didnt want to see today.

"Oh uh..hi Taehyung" she greeted. It was pretty evident that she felt awkward. The tension between the two of us were pretty obvious too, considering the fact that Namjoon had to cough in order to break the awkwardness, didnt work though. George glanced over to Namjoon and looked back at me. I didnt bother looking at her and straightly bid my goodbye to Namjoon hyung. I gave her a quick and awkward smile before walking past her.

My heart was beating rapidly as I saw her smiling back at me. I hate her smiling at me, it made it so clear that I was head over heals for her. I hope she didnt notice my face turning red though.
The second I reached home I heared the noise that was coming from the living room but the moment they saw me, it went silent.

"Hyung, where have you been?" Jungkook yelled. I looked up to see everyone's eyes on me except for Suga and Jin hyung. They still haven't forgive me for what happened. That's cool, its totally my fault.

"I uh went to Namjoon Hyung's place" I quietly answered and headed straight to Jungkook and I's room. I shut the door close and locked in to prevent anyone from coming in so they wouldnt hear the conversation that Joan and I would be having.

I dont know it seemed like she didnt want anyone knowing about it. I quickly took my phone out and dialed her number. After a few rings she finally answered.


Me: uh..hi ?

J: hey there. Sorry if this is so sudden and weird for you.

Me:, no its fine. What is it that you wanna say ?

J: see, George thinks that we're going to Thailand for our little break..

Me: oh..thats nice, I guess..

J: yeah. But theres a sudden change of plan.

Me: what is it?

J: we're going to surprise George. So instead of going to Thailand..-

Me: you're going here, I suppose.

J: yeap, precisely.

Me: so what do you want me to do ?

J: well..our flight is on Friday night ... Is there a chance that you'd be able to keep George out of the house by that day ?

Me: oh..I dont really know about that..

J: oh? Why not?

Me: well, George and I arent really in a great term at the

J: oh..uh then is there anyone else that could help us ?

Me: uh..maybe her brother ?

J: no no no.

Me: huh? Why not ?

J: we dont wanna trouble him.

*but you'd rather trouble me ? Nice.

Me: alright..I got one person in mind. I'll call you guys back when its done.

J: cool Thankyou so much !

Me: no problem. See you guys soon I guess.

J: definately. Bye !

Me: Bye.


I'd hate to do this but theres only one person that I can ask someone for help when it comes to George. I know for a fact that she wouldn't dare go out with me so I thought this was the best thing to do.

I gotta go back to Jackson's place.

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