Chapter 28 - Hurt.

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Taehyung's POV

"Since when?" I even got surprised at my sudden question. The moment she admitted that She and Jackson were officially dating, I completely lost it.

When I know I shouldnt.

"It has been a month actually." She nervously smiled. Everyone went quiet for awhile and tried to process on what she had just said.

Its been a month ? So they've been dating for a month now ? Those were the times that we started getting a little more closer. There were times when we'd argue but it wasnt as bad as before. We get along well most of the time now and has better conversations. We go deep sometimes but usually we just talk about random things.

Those were the times where my feelings grew.

I hate to admit how I actually thought that maybe, Just maybe, I could have a chance with her. She never mentions Jackson to me whenever we talk. Although, Jackson comes over from time to time. she would sometimes leave Jackson to Rapmon Hyung and talk to me for awhile. Thats why I thought maybe they went just as far as confessing. That was indeed so stupid of me. How could I be concluding things like that ?

Obviously, its way more than just that.

They were actually together.

"Congratulations then" Uncle Eun Gi cheered and you can clearly see the ecstatic reaction from the both of them. It pained me to see her that happy. Shouldn't I be happy ?

Why am I not ?

Everyone else congratulated them and I forced myself too. I wanted to show George that she's nothing but a friend to me. Nothing else. I told her I wouldnt do anything to upset her again and that i'd be nicer. I didnt wanna waste the chance that she gave me again. I've come this far, I dont wanna ruin it. I had to show her that I was a supporting friend.


"Oh and Jackson? Welcome to the family"
Dinner had finished and Jackson went home a few minutes ago. We were all in the living room watching a movie that George had picked. I was seated next to Jungkook and George was seated next to Namjoon Hyung.

You can clearly see in her eyes that she's contented. Even though Jackson's not here, you can sense the love that she had for him in her eyes. The way they sparkle when the light that the TV screen was providing, shines through her eyes. It was more than just happiness. It brings pain to see her smile knowing that someone else was the reason.

But at the same time, it brings me Joy to see her smile this beautifully.

"Hyung? alright?" I felt Jungkooks hands on my shoulder. I didnt even realize that I had my head rested on my arms while hugging my knees.

Was I that miserable to look like that ?

"Yeah. I need water" with that, I quickly stood up and head to the kitchen to grab some cold water. I sat there, alone. Still feeling the pain in my chest. I wanted it to stop. I wanted it to go away.

This isnt right.

I have no right to feel this way.

"Hyung?.." I didnt need to bother turning around. I knew exactly who it was. Besides, he's the only one who calls me hyung.

"Are you okay ?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"Would you believe me if I said yes?" I chuckled.

"You're right. I shouldnt have asked.." I turned to see Jungkook looking a little down. I patted the sit next to me and he sat beside me.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked again. I bit my bottom lip trying to hold back my tears.

I am a man.

A man cries when they're hurt. I dont see the point of hiding away our weakness. But today, I shouldnt be crying.

I want to show Jungkook that im okay.

"Ani. Gwenchanha." I replied giving him a small smile. I hope he didnt notice that my eyes were starting to form some tears.

"Are you sure?..I think whatever it is that you're hiding in there, needs to be let out" he said and held my shoulders as a sign of comfort.

I appreciate what he's trying to say. I really do. I really do need to get this off of my chest but I dont know.

I couldnt.

Im afraid i'll cry too hard it'll attract their attention. They'll end up questioning me and George might be curious about, as to why I was crying. I didnt want any of them to know how I felt towards George. Only Jungkook knows.

And I plan to keep it that way.

"I got you" he quickly stood up and went out. After a few minutes. He came back with Namjoon Hyung and Suga hyung.

"Gwenchanha?" Namjoon hyung asked with a worried look. Suga hyung sat beside me and patted my back.


"His stomach hurts really bad so I think I should get him home to rest" Jungkook lied.

"Okay, get him home safe and make sure he really does rest well. Araseo ?" Namjoon Hyung ordered. We both nodded and I mouthed him thanks.

"Take taxi. Dont walk" Suga Hyung yelled as we exited the house.

The moment we reached the front gate, we stopped acting and walked out the gate completely normal.
We took a taxi and instead of going home, we went to have a drink. I was the one who suggested it. I didnt wanna waste my time crying for someone I knew that wouldnt even like me back at all. I'll just drink the pain away and hopefully get it off my head.

Thats what I need.

"Hyung? Are you sure about this ? Jin Hyung might get angry" Jungkook whispered while nudging me as we seat on the counter of the bar.

"You saved me back there. I'll make sure that i'll save you next" I smirked. I ordered 6 shots of tequila and started drinking my lungs out.

One shot

Two shots

Three shots

Four shots
"Hyung ! Stop it ! You're drunk !" Jungkook tried to pull me away from the dance floor but I pushed him. Im having fun ! I dont want any interruptions ! Finally I have forgotten about the pain, so stop stopping me !

"Hyung. Im sorry I called Rapmon Hyung. They're on their way here"

"MWO !?" I yelled. I quickly stormed off and went somewhere at the bar. The dance floor was crowded so there wasnt a chance that Jungkook saw where I was going. He has to pass through that pile of crowd in order to do that.

I dont wanna be seen. I wanna party.


Forget Love !

Forget George !

"Hey there" I squinted my eyes to see a girl sitting alone. I tried to ignore her but I felt her figure coming closer to me.

"You alone cutie?" I ignored her once again.

"You seem like you need companion. Come. Seat with me" she invited and made shapes on my chest. Her face awfully close to mine that I can smell the alcohol. I flinched and bit my lower lip but decided to follow her anyway.

Im not doing anything wrong right ?

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