Chapter 23 - Step siblings Date.

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It felt like a whole day but its only 5:00 in the afternoon which is shocking. The whole event took almost half the day to finish. The driver first drove home the boys before Namjoon and I. They all said their goodbyes and Jin and Jungkook gave me a warm hug.

I then, looked over to Taehyung who was looking at us with and unreadable look on his face. I didnt get to talk to him almost the whole day because of how pissed I was at his actions earlier.

Those things werent even part of the plan !

I walked over to him with a glare and he looked somewhat, terrified. Thats right, you should be.

"You really enjoyed seeing me embarass myself huh" I bawled out. But I tried to calm myself, it wasnt such a big thing to actually hurt Taehyung, but still very very embarassing.

"Atleast now your secret is safe with me. Be glad." He said patting my head before walking past me. I grabbed his wrist and made him face me. My face almost slammed on his chest. Im that short.

He gave me a shocked expression.

"The deal was, I had to act like an ARMY. I didnt think that you embarassing me was a part of it. Therefore, I deserve justice" I smirked.

"Well, what if I dont want to. I have all the power remember ? I know your secret" he smirked back.

Oh he's playing hard to get now huh ?

"Oh well, Its your choice.." I said letting him go and I pretended to check on my nails. Just like how those divas do in every movie.

Mhm. Im learning.

I walked past him. "I heared about why you guys were in that Ramyoen shop.." I felt him tensed up a little. I smiled as I knew I was the one winning now.

"My brother wouldnt like it if he found out you guys sneaked out to cause trouble now, wont he?" I smirked again with a wink before walking away.

He stood there frozen. Jungkook told me that Namjoon and Jin had told them countless of times that they shouldnt go out without all the members knowing where they'll go or what they'll do. They're trying to stay away from media for a bit since they are all in a break. According to what happened that day, they clearly drawed a lot of attention from screaming fans. Namjoon would burst if he found that out so even Jungkook begged me not to tell Namjoon. Which, I wont only, If only, Taehyung would stop being a dick to me.

1 point for George.


"Hey uh George" Namjoon awkwardly called.

"Uh yeah?"

"Since its only 6pm. Do you uh..maybe want to walk around and catch some dinner? You must be hungry" he chuckled.

This is the first time Namjoon wanted to be with me. I have always thought that he didnt really welcome me in his life at all since we've been very distant from eachother. Just like how distant I am with his father. I know I have to get used to having a brother and all. But im still really adjusting to it so its really hard for me.

"Sure, I am starving actually thanks for asking" I chuckled back and he flashed me with the smile that almost saved his butt the first day we met.

'Almost'. I still hitted him though.
After another minute of driving, we have arrived at a park. He said something to the driver in Korean and he nodded and left us both standing infront of this beautiful park.

"Let's go?" He smiled. I nodded and we both started to make our way to this small restaurant. It wasnt really famous. It wasnt the best looking restaurant. It was very lowkey, but warm. Just how I would like a restaurant to be.

He pulled out one of the chair so I could sit down and he sat down on the chair infront of me. Its weird how I feel like im having a date with him. He's my brother come on.

"This place is really nice" I said admiring the orange lighting and the pretty paintings hanged on the walls. The tables and chairs were made out of wood. Not too fancy but pretty.

"My mom used to take me here a lot. She would order me her favourite steak" he smiled and my smile started to fade a little.

Its not that I was mad. But curiosity started to fill me. I wanted to know what happened to his mom. Not that I wanted to break my mom and Eun Gi up, but you know. I gotta know atleast something about him.

"You must miss her huh"

"Im really trying my best not to anymore." He answered with a small smile but you can sense the sadness.

"If you dont mind me asking, w-what uh..I mean where is your mom?"

I really wanted to know. Im sorry, the whole thing really intrigues me.

"She uh..she has a family of her own now" he replied with a weak smile.

"Oh.." I felt bad. I didnt expect that. It must've really hurt to know that you're not your mothers priority anymore. I feel bad for Eun Gi as well. I felt bad for my attitude towards him.

"Its okay. As long as she's happy. Besides, My dad has your mom now and I can tell he's recorved" he assured with a smile.

Eun Gi really loves my mom. I didnt realize that. I was too hung up with my own feelings that I didnt even think of my moms and Eun Gi's. Now I feel bad after what I had said about him back in LA.

"What about you? If you dont mind me asking? Where's your dad?"

My dad...I miss him so much.

"He..passed away 5 years ago due to Brain tumor" I said almost choking up.

I hate remembering about my dad's passing. It break my heart till now everytime I think about it. I miss my dad. I miss him so much and its hurts to know that I wont be able to feel him, hug him or have him anywhere near me anymore. 5 years had passed but I still cant get over it. Although, Atleast I know he's still with me. Watching me from above. But Namjoon ? His mom is still here but isnt giving him the attention he deserves. I suddenly feel so sympathetic.

"Well..atleast he is in a better place now and I bet he's so proud of what you have become George." He smiled and held my hand.

I smiled at his thoughtfulness. Im pretty amazed by how he's being so strong about this. I mean, I cant imagine my dad living with his new family while my mom and I are left broken hearted. Now I feel thankful that Eun Gi met my mom. I know my mom loves him so much and they'll be happy together.

"I hope you wont distant yourself from us George. We're a family now. Just know that i'd be your brother for as long as eternity now. So I care about you more than you think, you know that right?" I looked up to him and saw the sincerity in his eyes. Now, I feel more guilty than I should. I never even tried to look at him like a brother. It pains my heart knowing that someone treated me specialy while Im here doubting about it. I hate myself.

"I know that now" I smiled with a tear almost falling but I prevented it when he started cracking up about how silly we looked.

"Let's order?"

"Yes please, I would like that"

Maybe the problem was never with Eun Gi and Namjoon. The problem was with me. My pride was too high to even understand that they're my family now and that they care for me.

I will try from now on Namjoon and Eun Gi.

I promise.

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